liquidart library
The core libraries of the liquidart framework.
See documentation guides at
- APICallback
- A map of possible out-of band callbacks related to the parent operation.
T extends APIObject> - A collection of reusable OpenAPI objects.
- APIComponentDocumenter
- The methods you implement to document OpenAPI components.
- APIComponents
- Holds a set of reusable objects for different aspects of the OAS.
- APIConfiguration
- A Configuration to represent an external HTTP API.
- APIContact
- Contact information for the exposed API.
- APIDocument
- This is the root document object of the OpenAPI document.
- APIDocumentContext
- An object that contains information about APIDocument being generated.
- APIEncoding
- A single encoding definition applied to a single schema property.
- APIHeader
- APIHeader follows the structure of the APIParameter with the following changes:
- APIInfo
- The object provides metadata about the API.
- APILicense
- License information for the exposed API.
- APIMediaType
- Each APIMediaType provides schema and examples for the media type identified by its key.
- APIObject
- APIOperation
- Describes a single API operation on a path.
- APIOperationDocumenter
- The methods you implement to document the operations of a Controller.
- APIParameter
- Describes a single operation parameter.
- APIParameterLocationCodec
- APIPath
- Describes the operations available on a single path.
- APIRequestBody
- Describes a single request body.
- APIResponse
- Describes a single response from an API Operation, including design-time, static links to operations based on the response.
- APISchemaObject
- Represents a schema object in the OpenAPI specification.
- APISecurityRequirement
- Lists the required security schemes to execute an operation.
- APISecurityScheme
- Defines a security scheme that can be used by the operations.
- APISecuritySchemeOAuth2Flow
- Allows configuration of the supported OAuth Flows.
- APISecuritySchemeTypeCodec
- APIServerDescription
- An object representing a Server.
- APIServerVariable
- An object representing a Server Variable for server URL template substitution.
- APITag
- Adds metadata to a single tag that is used by the APIOperation.
- APITypeCodec
T extends ApplicationChannel> - This object starts and stops instances of your ApplicationChannel.
- ApplicationChannel
- An object that defines the behavior specific to your application.
- ApplicationMessageHub
- An object that sends and receives messages between ApplicationChannels.
- ApplicationOptions
- An object that contains configuration values for an Application.
- ApplicationServer
- Listens for HTTP requests and delivers them to its ApplicationChannel instance.
- AuthBasicCredentials
- A structure to hold Basic authorization credentials.
- AuthClient
- Represents an OAuth 2.0 client ID and secret pair.
- AuthCode
- Represents an OAuth 2.0 authorization code.
- AuthCodeController
- Controller for issuing OAuth 2.0 authorization codes.
- AuthCodeControllerDelegate
- Provides AuthCodeController with application-specific behavior.
- AuthController
- Controller for issuing and refreshing OAuth 2.0 access tokens.
- Authorization
- Authorization information for a Request after it has passed through an Authorizer.
- AuthorizationBasicParser
- Parses a Basic Authorization header.
- AuthorizationBearerParser
- Parses a Bearer token from an Authorization header.
T> - Authorizer
- A Controller that validates the Authorization header of a request.
- AuthRedirectController
- Controller for issuing OAuth 2.0 authorization codes and tokens.
- AuthRedirectControllerDelegate
- Provides AuthRedirectController with application-specific behavior.
- AuthScope
- Instances represent OAuth 2.0 scope.
- AuthServer
- A OAuth 2.0 authorization server.
- AuthServerDelegate
- The methods used by an AuthServer to store information and customize behavior related to authorization.
- AuthToken
- Represents an OAuth 2.0 token.
- AuthUtility
- Exposes static utility methods for password, salt and API credential generation.
- AuthValidator
- Instances that implement this type can be used by an Authorizer to determine authorization of a request.
- Bind
- Binds elements of an HTTP request to a ResourceController's operation method arguments and properties.
- BodyDecoder
- Decodes bytes according to contentType.
- CachePolicy
- Instances of this type provide configuration for the 'Cache-Control' header.
- ChannelRuntime
- CodecRegistry
- Provides encoding and decoding services based on the ContentType of a Request or Response.
- Coding
- A base class for encodable and decodable objects.
- Column
- Metadata to describe the behavior of the underlying database column of a persistent property in ManagedObject subclasses.
- Configuration
- Subclasses of Configuration read YAML strings and files, assigning values from the YAML document to properties of an instance of this type.
- ConfigurationCompiler
- ConfigurationError
- Thrown when Configuration subclass is invalid and requires a change in code.
- ConfigurationException
- Thrown when reading data into a Configuration fails.
- ConfigurationItemAttribute
- Configuration properties may be attributed with these.
- ConfigurationRuntime
- Controller
- Base class for request handling objects.
- ControllerRuntime
- CORSPolicy
- Describes a CORS policy for a Controller.
- DatabaseConfiguration
- A Configuration to represent a database connection configuration.
- Document
- Allows storage of unstructured data in a ManagedObject property.
- FileController
- Serves files from a directory on the filesystem.
- KeyedArchive
- A container for a dynamic data object that can be decoded into Coding objects.
- Level
- Levels to control logging output. Logging can be enabled to include all levels above certain Level. Levels are ordered using an integer value Level.value. The predefined Level constants below are sorted as follows (in descending order): Level.SHOUT, Level.SEVERE, Level.WARNING, Level.INFO, Level.CONFIG, Level.FINE, Level.FINER, Level.FINEST, and Level.ALL.
- Linkable
- An interface for linking controllers.
- LiquidartCompiler
- ListArchive
- A list of values in a KeyedArchive.
- Logger
- Use a Logger to log debug messages.
- LogRecord
- A log entry representation used to propagate information from Logger to individual handlers.
- ManagedAttributeDescription
- Stores the specifics of database columns in ManagedObjects as indicated by Column.
- ManagedBacking
- Instances of this class provide storage for ManagedObjects.
- ManagedContext
- A service object that handles connecting to and sending queries to a database.
- ManagedDataModel
- Instances of this class contain descriptions and metadata for mapping ManagedObjects to database rows.
- ManagedEntity
- Mapping information between a table in a database and a ManagedObject object.
- ManagedEntityRuntime
T> - An object that represents a database row.
InstanceType extends ManagedObject> - A Controller that implements basic CRUD operations for a ManagedObject.
- ManagedPropertyDescription
- Contains database column information and metadata for a property of a ManagedObject object.
- ManagedRelationshipDescription
- Contains information for a relationship property of a ManagedObject.
InstanceType extends ManagedObject> - Instances of this type contain zero or more instances of ManagedObject and represent has-many relationships.
- ManagedType
- Complex type storage for ManagedEntity attributes.
- ManagedValidator
- Validates properties of ManagedObject before an insert or update Query.
- Migration
- The base class for migration instructions.
- Operation
- Binds an instance method in ResourceController to an operation.
- PersistentStore
- An interface for implementing persistent storage.
- PostgreSQLErrorCode
- Commonly used error codes from PostgreSQL.
- PostgreSQLPersistentStore
- The database layer responsible for carrying out Querys against PostgreSQL databases.
InstanceType extends ManagedObject> - An object for configuring and executing a database query.
InstanceType extends ManagedObject> - A partial class for implementing an ResourceController that has a few conveniences for executing Querys.
T, InstanceType> - Contains methods for adding logical expressions to properties when building a Query.
T, InstanceType> - Contains binary logic operations to be applied to a QueryExpression.
- QueryPredicate
- A predicate contains instructions for filtering rows when performing a Query.
T extends ManagedObject> - Executes aggregate functions like average, count, sum, etc.
T> - An interface that Controller subclasses implement to generate a new controller for each request.
- Relate
- Metadata to configure property of ManagedObject as a foreign key column.
- Request
- A single HTTP request.
- RequestBody
- Objects that represent a request body, and can be decoded into Dart objects.
- RequestOrResponse
- The unifying protocol for Request and Response classes.
- RequestPath
- Stores path info for a Request.
- RequiredBinding
- See requiredBinding.
- ResourceController
- Controller for operating on an HTTP Resource.
- ResourceControllerDocumenter
- ResourceControllerOperation
- ResourceControllerOperationInvocationArgs
- ResourceControllerParameter
- ResourceControllerRuntime
- ResourceOwner
- The properties of an OAuth 2.0 Resource Owner.
- Response
- Represents the information in an HTTP response.
- Rollback
- Throw this object to roll back a ManagedContext.transaction.
- Router
- Determines which Controller should receive a Request based on its path.
- Schema
- A portable representation of a database schema.
- SchemaBuilder
- Generates SQL or Dart code that modifies a database schema.
- SchemaColumn
- A portable representation of a database column.
- SchemaColumnDifference
- The difference between two compared SchemaColumns.
- SchemaDifference
- The difference between two compared Schemas.
- SchemaTable
- A portable representation of a database table.
- SchemaTableDifference
- The difference between two SchemaTables.
- SchemaTableUniqueSetDifference
- Difference between two SchemaTable.uniqueColumnSets.
- Scope
- Allows ResourceControllers to have different scope for each operation method.
- Serializable
- Interface for serializable instances to be decoded from an HTTP request body and encoded to an HTTP response body.
- SerializableRuntime
- Serialize
- Annotation for ManagedObject properties that allows them to participate in ManagedObject.asMap and/or ManagedObject.readFromMap.
- ServiceRegistry
- An object that manages the cleanup of service objects when an application is stopped.
- Table
- Annotation to configure the table definition of a ManagedObject.
- Validate
- Add as metadata to persistent properties to validate their values before insertion or updating.
- ValidationContext
- Information about a validation being performed.
- APIParameterLocation
- There are four possible parameter locations specified by the in field.
- APISchemaAdditionalPropertyPolicy
- APISecuritySchemeType
- APIType
- AuthorizationParserExceptionReason
- The reason either AuthorizationBearerParser or AuthorizationBasicParser failed.
- AuthRequestError
- The possible errors as defined by the OAuth 2.0 specification.
- BindingType
- ConfigurationItemAttributeType
- Possible options for a configuration item property's optionality.
- DeleteRule
- Possible values for a delete rule in a Relate.
- ManagedPropertyType
- Possible data types for ManagedEntity attributes.
- ManagedRelationshipType
- The possible database relationships.
- PersistentStoreQueryReturnType
- QueryExceptionEvent
- Categorizations of query failures for QueryException.
- QuerySortOrder
- Order value for Query.pageBy and Query.sortBy.
- Validating
- Types of operations ManagedValidators will be triggered for.
- defaultLevel → const Level
- The default Level.
- optionalConfiguration → const ConfigurationItemAttribute
- A ConfigurationItemAttribute for optional properties.
- primaryKey → const Column
- Primary key annotation for a ManagedObject table definition property.
- requiredBinding → const RequiredBinding
- Marks an ResourceController property binding as required.
- requiredConfiguration → const ConfigurationItemAttribute
- A ConfigurationItemAttribute for required properties.
- hierarchicalLoggingEnabled ↔ bool
Whether to allow fine-grain logging and configuration of loggers in a
getter/setter pair
- recordStackTraceAtLevel ↔ Level
Automatically record stack traces for any message of this level or above.
getter/setter pair
Exceptions / Errors
- ApplicationStartupException
- Thrown when an application encounters an exception during startup.
- AuthorizationParserException
- An exception indicating why Authorization parsing failed.
- AuthServerException
- An exception thrown by AuthServer.
- AuthUtilityException
- HandlerException
- HTTPStreamingException
- ManagedDataModelError
- Thrown when a ManagedDataModel encounters an error.
- MigrationException
- Thrown when Migration encounters an error.
T> - An exception describing an issue with a query.
- SchemaException
- Thrown when a Schema encounters an error.
- SerializableException
- ValidateCompilationError
- An error thrown during validator compilation.
- ValidationException
- An exception thrown when an ORM property validator is violated.