utilities library


An attachment for graphQLKeyDirective that specifies that a given object can be identified by the fields passed as argument to the directive.


DirectiveExtension on SelectionNode
ValueNodeWhen on ValueNode
Utility for executing code for each ast.ValueNode type


introspectionTypeNames → const List<String>
All introspection type names


graphQLKeyDirective GraphQLDirective
Specifies that a given Object can be identified by the fields passed as argument to the directive


astFromUntypedValue(Object? value) → ValueNode
astFromValue(Object? value, GraphQLType type) → ValueNode?
Returns an GraphQL Ast node from a Dart value, given the value's type
buildSchema(String schemaStr, {Map<String, Object?>? payload, SerdeCtx? serdeCtx}) GraphQLSchema
Create a GraphQLSchema from a GraphQL Schema Definition Language (SDL) String schemaStr.
collectFields(GraphQLSchema schema, Map<String, FragmentDefinitionNode> fragments, GraphQLObjectType objectType, SelectionSetNode selectionSet, Map<String, dynamic> variableValues, {Set<String>? visitedFragments, bool aliased = true}) Map<String, List<FieldNode>>
computeValue(GraphQLType? targetType, ValueNode node, Map<String, dynamic>? values) Object?
convertType(TypeNode node, Map<String, GraphQLType> customTypes) GraphQLType<Object?, Object?>
Returns a GraphQLType from a TypeNode and a map of names to types customTypes. throws GraphQLError there isn't a match.
convertTypeOrNull(TypeNode node, Map<String, GraphQLType> customTypes) GraphQLType<Object?, Object?>?
doesFragmentTypeApply(GraphQLObjectType objectType, TypeConditionNode fragmentType, GraphQLSchema schema) bool
fetchAllNamedTypes(GraphQLSchema schema) Set<GraphQLNamedType>
Returns a Set of all named types in the schema
fragmentsFromDocument(DocumentNode document) Map<String, FragmentDefinitionNode>
getDirectiveValue(String name, String argumentName, List<DirectiveNode> directives, Map<String, Object?>? variableValues, {Map<String, GraphQLDirective> directivesMap = const {}}) Object?
getIntrospectionQuery({bool descriptions = true, bool specifiedByUrl = false, bool directiveIsRepeatable = false, bool schemaDescription = false, bool inputValueDeprecation = false}) String
Return a GraphQL introspection query. Can be used against a GraphQL server to obtain information about its schema.
getNamedType(GraphQLType type) GraphQLNamedType
isAbstractType(GraphQLType type) bool
isCompositeType(GraphQLType? type) bool
isDefinedType(GraphQLNamedType type) bool
Returns true when type is a defined type, not one of the provided standard GraphQL types
isInputType(GraphQLType? type) bool
Returns true if type can be used as a GraphQL input.
isIntrospectionType(GraphQLType type) bool
Returns true if the type is an introspection type
isLeafType(GraphQLType? type) bool
isOutputType(GraphQLType? type) bool
mapDirectiveLocation(DirectiveLocation location) DirectiveLocation
mergeSelectionSets(List<SelectionNode> fields) → SelectionSetNode
possibleSelectionsCallback(GraphQLSchema schema, GraphQLObjectField field, List<FieldNode> fields, DocumentNode document, Map<String, Object?> variableValues) PossibleSelections? Function()
printAST(ValueNode node) String
printIntrospectionSchema(GraphQLSchema schema, {SchemaPrinter printer = const SchemaPrinter()}) String
Returns the Schema Definition Language (SDL) string representation of the introspection types in the given schema.
printSchema(GraphQLSchema schema, {SchemaPrinter printer = const SchemaPrinter()}) String
Returns the Schema Definition Language (SDL) string representation of the given schema.
valueFromAst(GraphQLType? type, ValueNode node, Map<String, Object?>? variables, {FileSpan? span, String key = 'value'}) Object?
Returns a Dart value from a GraphQL Ast node, given the value's type