GraphQLNonNullType<Value, Serialized> class

A special GraphQLType that indicates that input values should both be non-null, and be valid when asserted against another type, named ofType.

Implemented types
Available Extensions


description String
A description of this type, which, while optional, can be very useful in tools like GraphiQL.
no setteroverride
generic GenericHelp<Value>
Utility for working with the Value Generic type
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isNonNullable bool
true when the type can not be null
no setterinherited
isNullable bool
true when the type can be null
no setterinherited
name String?
The name of this type.
no setteroverride
ofType GraphQLType<Value, Serialized>
The wrapped type
printableName String
The name of this type with defaults for GraphQLWrapperType. Can be used as a name of another GraphQL type, useful for composing names for generic types, for example.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


coerceToInputObject() GraphQLNonNullType<Value, Serialized>
Turns this type into one suitable for being provided as an input to a GraphQLObjectField.
deserialize(SerdeCtx serdeCtx, Serialized serialized) → Value
Deserializes a serialized value.
field<P>(String name, {String? deprecationReason, String? description, FutureOr<Value> resolve(P parent, Ctx<P> ctx)?, FutureOr<Stream<Value>> subscribe(Object? parent, Ctx ctx)?, Iterable<GraphQLFieldInput<Object?, Object?>> inputs = const [], FieldDefinitionNode? astNode, GraphQLAttachments attachments = const []}) GraphQLObjectField<Value, Serialized, P>
Utility for creating an GraphQLObjectField with type == this
inputField(String name, {String? description, Value? defaultValue, String? deprecationReason, InputValueDefinitionNode? astNode, GraphQLAttachments attachments = const []}) GraphQLFieldInput<Value, Serialized>
Shorthand for generating a GraphQLFieldInput.
list() GraphQLListType<Value, Serialized>
Returns a GraphQLListType with the inner type set to this
nonNull() GraphQLNonNullType<Value, Serialized>
Creates a non-nullable type that represents this type, and enforces that a field of this type is present in input data.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
nullable() GraphQLType<Value, Serialized>
Returns a nullable type that represents this type. If the type is isNullable returns itself without changes.
serialize(Value value) → Serialized
Serializes a value.
serializeSafe(Object? value, {bool nested = true}) → Serialized
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
validate(String key, Object? input) ValidationResult<Serialized>
Performs type coercion against an input value, and returns a list of errors if the validation was unsuccessful.
when<O>({required O enum_(GraphQLEnumType<Value>), required O scalar(GraphQLScalarType<Value, Serialized>), required O object(GraphQLObjectType<Value>), required O input(GraphQLInputObjectType<Value>), required O union(GraphQLUnionType<Value>), required O list(GraphQLListType), required O nonNullable(GraphQLNonNullType<Value, Serialized>)}) → O
Executes any of the provided function with this as argument. The function executed depends on the type of this
whenMaybe<O>({O enum_(GraphQLEnumType<Value>)?, O scalar(GraphQLScalarType<Value, Serialized>)?, O object(GraphQLObjectType<Value>)?, O input(GraphQLInputObjectType<Value>)?, O union(GraphQLUnionType<Value>)?, O list(GraphQLListType)?, O nonNullable(GraphQLNonNullType<Value, Serialized>)?, required O orElse(GraphQLType)}) → O
Similar to when, but with optional arguments and a required default case orElse, which is executed when none of the provided functions match this
whenOrNull<O>({O? enum_(GraphQLEnumType<Value>)?, O? scalar(GraphQLScalarType<Value, Serialized>)?, O? object(GraphQLObjectType<Value>)?, O? input(GraphQLInputObjectType<Value>)?, O? union(GraphQLUnionType<Value>)?, O? list(GraphQLListType)?, O? nonNullable(GraphQLNonNullType<Value, Serialized>)?}) → O?
Similar to when, but with optional arguments. Returns null when none of the provided functions match this


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.