prime method

DataLoader<K, V, C> prime(
  1. K key,
  2. V value

Adds the provided key and value to the cache. If the key already exists, no change is made. Returns itself for method chaining.


DataLoader<K, V, C> prime(K key, V value) {
  final cacheMap = this._cacheMap;
  if (cacheMap != null) {
    final cacheKey = this._cacheKeyFn(key);

    // Only add the key if it does not already exist.
    if (cacheMap.get(cacheKey) == null) {
      // Cache a rejected promise if the value is an Error, in order to match
      // the behavior of load(key).
      final Future<V> promise;
      promise = Future.value(value);
      cacheMap.set(cacheKey, promise);
  return this;