dataloader library

Copyright (c) 2019-present, GraphQL Foundation

This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

@flow strict


Cache<K, T>
Cache abstraction
DataLoader<K extends Object, V, C>
A DataLoader creates a public API for loading data from a particular data back-end with unique keys such as the id column of a SQL table or document name in a MongoDB database, given a batch loading function.
DataLoaderOptions<K, V, C>
DataLoader configuration options
LruCacheSimple<K, T>
Least Recently Used (LRU) cache implementation.
MapCache<K, V>
Simple map cache using an in memory Map for its storage


dispatchBatch<K extends Object, V>(DataLoader<K, V, Object?> loader, _Batch<K, V> batch) → void


BatchLoadFn<K, V> = Future<List<V>> Function(List<K> keys)
A Function, which when given an Array of keys, returns a Future of an Array of values or Errors.