load method
Loads a key, returning a Future for the value represented by that key.
Future<V> load(K key) {
final batch = _getCurrentBatch(this);
final cacheMap = this._cacheMap;
final cacheKey = this._cacheKeyFn(key);
// If caching and there is a cache-hit, return cached Future.
if (cacheMap != null) {
final cachedFuture = cacheMap.get(cacheKey);
if (cachedFuture != null) {
final cacheHits =
batch.cacheHits != null ? batch.cacheHits! : (batch.cacheHits = []);
final comp = Completer<V>();
cacheHits.add(() {
return comp.future;
// Otherwise, produce a new Future for this key, and enqueue it to be
// dispatched along with the current batch.
final comp = Completer<V>();
// If caching, cache this promise.
if (cacheMap != null) {
cacheMap.set(cacheKey, comp.future);
return comp.future;