lens_base library


A BoolLens extends a standard Lens with boolean-specific operations.
A boolean lens backed by explicitly provided getter and setter functions.
An enum lens backed by explicitly provided getter and setter functions.
A lens backed by explicitly provided getter and setter functions.
A list lens backed by explicitly provided getter and setter functions.
DirectMapLens<K, V extends Object>
A map lens backed by explicitly provided getter and setter functions.
DirectNumberLens<T extends num>
A number lens backed by explicitly provided getter and setter functions.
An EnumLens extends a standard Lens by allowing to cycle through a list of allowed values. next sets values in the order they are provided in values.
An IndexLens manages a value at a specific index of a list. Uses a ListLens as a parent lens.
A Lens object manages a value by providing get and set methods.
A ListLens extends a standard Lens with operations on a target list. It also provides a lens focused on a specific element of the list.
MapEntryLens<K, V extends Object>
A MapEntryLens extends a standard Lens with operations on a specific entry of a map.
MapLens<K, V extends Object>
A MapLens extends a standard Lens with operations on a target map.
NumberLens<T extends num>
A NumberLens extends a standard Lens with operations on a target number.


Getter<T> = T Function()
Signature for a getter-like functions.
Setter<T> = void Function(T value)
Signature for a setter-like functions.