dart_essentials library

Dart Essentials - a collection of classes and functions to make Dart development easier.

Mostly inspired by python


An easy way to implement Comparable in a way that compareTo aggrees with > and == operators
Iterable of integers; Range is open ended on the right
SpecificComparable<T, U extends Object>
An easy way to implement Comparable in a way that compareTo aggrees with > and == operators
StrictComparable<T extends Object>
An easy way to implement Comparable in a way that compareTo aggrees with > and == operators
static class to be used like in python The constants defined as in python https://docs.python.org/3/library/string.html


eval<T>(String expression, {T decoder(String raw)?}) Future<T>
evaluates a dart expression.
extendedJsonDecode(String encoded) → dynamic
a wrapper around jsonDecode to upcast types from dynamic to primitives
extendedJsonEncode(dynamic value) → dynamic
a wrapper around jsonEncode which resolves lazy iterators
range(int a, [int? b, int? c]) Range
Python like range function
sleep(num seconds) Future<void>
wrapper around Future.delayed to have a simpler syntax