LzWidgetExtension extension



margin({double? t, double? b, double? l, double? r, double? v, double? h, double? tlr, double? blr, double others = 0, double? all}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the LzWidgetExtension extension

YourWidget().margin() // Only works on widget with no margin property
onTap(dynamic onTap(), {bool? hoverable}) Touch

Available on Widget, provided by the LzWidgetExtension extension

YourWidget().onTap(() {})
padding({double? t, double? b, double? l, double? r, double? v, double? h, double? tlr, double? blr, double others = 0, double? all}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the LzWidgetExtension extension

YourWidget().padding() // Only works on widget with no padding property