lazx library


A LazxApp is a widget that will represent your entire app.
A LazxBuilder is simply an abstraction for a StreamBuilder that will listen to a LazxData value and build a widget in consequence.
LazxData represent a data with state management integrated.
A LazxDataBuilder is a builder that will build a LazxStateWidget when the LxState of the data will be updated
A LazxListener is a listener that will call a function depending on the LxState of the data.
LazxManager represent a manager that will handle your data inside your app.
A LazxMultiBuilder is simply an abstraction for a StreamBuilder that will listen to a list of LazxData values and build a widget in consequence.
LazxObservable is an abstract class for all Lazx class that handle a LazxState. This state is commonly handled here.
LazxObserver represent an observer to your data (made to be used in your repo or data provider for a LazxManager manager).
A LazxObserverBuilder is simply an abstraction for a StreamBuilder that will listen to a LazxObserver value and build a widget in consequence.
A LazxStateBuilder is a builder that will build a widget depending on the LxState of the data.
LazxStateWidget is a widget that will have different builder function depending on a LxState.
LazxView<T extends LazxViewModel>
LazxView is a base widget for a screen (or other part) in your app that will (optionally) have a viewModel
LazxViewModel represents the base class to extends for your viewModels
LazxWidget is a widget that will have a single builder function that will be called each time that the LxState of a LazxData change.
LxResponse is a base object for a response from an API for example to handle state and data


LxState represent the different state of a data.


LxViewModelProvider is an mixin used on the LazxWidget to allow the widget to access a LazxViewModel inside his tree structure


StatelessViewModelProvider on StatelessWidget
StatelessViewModelProvider is an extension that allows every StatelessWidget to access a LazxViewModel inside his tree structure
StateViewModelProvider on State<StatefulWidget>
StateViewModelProvider is an extension that allows every State to access a LazxViewModel inside his tree structure


combineStreams(List<LazxData> dataList) Stream<List>
Combines the streams of a list of LazxData into a single stream


LazxListenerBuilder = void Function(LxState value)
LazxListenerBuilder is a type for a builder function that have a LxState as a parameter
LazxValueBuilder<T> = void Function(T? value)
LazxWidgetBuilder is a type for a builder function that returns a Widget and have a BuildContext & a T value from a LazxData as a parameter
LazxWidgetBuilder<T> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, T? value)
LazxWidgetBuilder is a type for a builder function that returns a Widget and have a BuildContext & a T value from a LazxData as a parameter
LazxWidgetMultiBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, List values)
LazxWidgetMultiBuilder is a type for a builder function that returns a Widget and have a BuildContext & a list of value as a parameters