getImage function

Widget getImage(
  1. String path, {
  2. double height = 30,
  3. double width = 100,
  4. BoxFit fit = BoxFit.contain,
  5. FilterQuality filterQuality = FilterQuality.medium,
  6. ImageProvider<Object>? customProvider,
  7. Key? key,

getImage is a helper function to get an image from a local file path, a network url or a base64 string.

This function is's a wrapper of the ThemedImage widget. So, if you want to control more properties of the image, you can use the ThemedImage widget instead.

path is the path of the image. Can be a local file path, a network url or a base64 string. It's important to clarify that the base64 string must be in the format  height is the height of the image. By default, it is 30. width is the width of the image. By default, it is 100. fit is the fit of the image. By default, it is BoxFit.contain. filterQuality is the filter quality of the image. By default, it is FilterQuality.medium. You can change it to FilterQuality.high to get a better quality. customProvider is a custom image provider. By default, it is null. If you want to use a custom image provider, you can pass it here. It's important to note that if you pass a custom provider, the path will be ignored. key is the key of the image. By default, it is null.


Widget getImage(
  String path, {
  double height = 30,
  double width = 100,
  BoxFit fit = BoxFit.contain,
  FilterQuality filterQuality = FilterQuality.medium,
  ImageProvider? customProvider,
  Key? key,
}) {
  return ThemedImage(
    key: key,
    path: path,
    height: height,
    width: width,
    fit: fit,
    filterQuality: filterQuality,
    customProvider: customProvider,