ellipsoids property

Map<String, Map<String, num>> ellipsoids

The different ellipsoids that are used by each datum. These are used when converting cartesian coordinates between datums.


final ellipsoids = {
  "WGS84":{ "a": 6378137, "b": 6356752.314245, "f": 1/298.257223563 },
  "Airy1830":{"a": 6377563.396, "b": 6356256.909, "f": 1/299.3249646 },
  "AiryModified":  { "a": 6377340.189, "b": 6356034.448,    "f": 1/299.3249646   },
  "Bessel1841":    { "a": 6377397.155, "b": 6356078.962818, "f": 1/299.1528128   },
  "Clarke1866":    { "a": 6378206.4,   "b": 6356583.8,      "f": 1/294.978698214 },
  "Clarke1880IGN": { "a": 6378249.2,   "b": 6356515.0,      "f": 1/293.466021294 },
  "GRS80":         { "a": 6378137,     "b": 6356752.314140, "f": 1/298.257222101 },
  "Intl1924":      { "a": 6378388,     "b": 6356911.946,    "f": 1/297           }, // aka Hayford
  "WGS72":         { "a": 6378135,     "b": 6356750.5,      "f": 1/298.26        },