RunnableSequence<RunInput extends Object?, RunOutput extends Object?> class

A RunnableSequence allows you to run multiple Runnable objects sequentially, passing the output of the previous Runnable to the next one.

You can create a RunnableSequence in several ways:

final chain = promptTemplate.pipe(chatModel);
  • Using the | operator. This is a convenience method that calls Runnable.pipe under the hood (note that it offers less type safety than Runnable.pipe because of Dart limitations). E.g.:
final chain = promptTemplate | chatModel;
final chain = Runnable.fromList([promptTemplate, chatModel]);

When you call invoke on a RunnableSequence, it will invoke each Runnable in the sequence in order, passing the output of the previous Runnable to the next one. The output of the last Runnable in the sequence is returned.

You can think of RunnableSequence as the replacement for SequentialChain.


final openaiApiKey = Platform.environment['OPENAI_API_KEY'];
final model = ChatOpenAI(apiKey: openaiApiKey);

final promptTemplate = ChatPromptTemplate.fromTemplate(
  'Tell me a joke about {topic}',

// The following three chains are equivalent:
final chain1 = promptTemplate | model | StringOutputParser();
final chain2 = promptTemplate.pipe(model).pipe(StringOutputParser());
final chain3 = Runnable.fromList(
  [promptTemplate, model, StringOutputParser()],

final res = await chain1.invoke({'topic': 'bears'});
// Why don't bears wear shoes? Because they have bear feet!
Available extensions


RunnableSequence({required Runnable<RunInput, RunnableOptions, Object?> first, List<Runnable<Object?, RunnableOptions, Object?>> middle = const [], required Runnable<Object?, RunnableOptions, RunOutput> last})
A RunnableSequence allows you to run multiple Runnable objects sequentially, passing the output of the previous Runnable to the next one.


defaultOptions RunnableOptions
The default options to use when invoking the Runnable.
first Runnable<RunInput, RunnableOptions, Object?>
The first Runnable in the RunnableSequence.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
last Runnable<Object?, RunnableOptions, RunOutput>
The last Runnable in the RunnableSequence.
middle List<Runnable<Object?, RunnableOptions, Object?>>
The middle Runnables in the RunnableSequence.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
steps List<Runnable<Object?, RunnableOptions, Object?>>
Returns a list of all the Runnables in the RunnableSequence.
no setter


batch(List<RunInput> inputs, {List<RunnableOptions>? options}) Future<List<RunOutput>>
Batches the invocation of the Runnable on the given inputs.
bind(RunnableOptions options) RunnableBinding<RunInput, RunnableOptions, RunOutput>
Binds the Runnable to the given options.
close() → void
Cleans up any resources associated with it the Runnable.
getCompatibleOptions(RunnableOptions? options) RunnableOptions?
Returns the given options if they are compatible with the Runnable, otherwise returns null.
invoke(RunInput input, {RunnableOptions? options}) Future<RunOutput>
Invokes the RunnableSequence on the given input.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
pipe<NewRunOutput extends Object?, NewCallOptions extends RunnableOptions>(Runnable<RunOutput, NewCallOptions, NewRunOutput> next) RunnableSequence<RunInput, NewRunOutput>
Pipes the output of this RunnableSequence into another Runnable.
stream(RunInput input, {RunnableOptions? options}) Stream<RunOutput>
Streams the output of invoking the Runnable on the given input.
streamFromInputStream(Stream<RunInput> inputStream, {RunnableOptions? options}) Stream<RunOutput>
Streams the output of invoking the Runnable on the given inputStream.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
withFallbacks(List<Runnable<RunInput, RunnableOptions, RunOutput>> fallbacks) RunnableWithFallback<RunInput, RunOutput>
Adds fallback runnables to be invoked if the primary runnable fails.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

from(List<Runnable<Object?, RunnableOptions, Object?>> runnables) RunnableSequence<Object?, Object?>
Creates a RunnableSequence from a list of Runnables.