altAiroll property

Airoll? altAiroll

Alternative Airoll for the tile for the cases where TabItem has children.

To replicate the exact same UI in buttonMode while providing the altAiroll with additional parameters, you can refer the code

  children: widget.item.children,
  isFloating: widget.isFloating,
  showLeading: widget.showLeading,
  showTrailing: widget.showTrailing,
  color: widget.item.color,
  child: NotificationBadge(
    notifyAsDot: true,
    extraDot: widget.item.children!.isNotEmpty ? Icon(widget.childrenIcon, size: 6) : null,
    showDot: widget.item.badgeCount == 0 ? false : true,
    count: widget.item.badgeCount ?? 0,
    child: niftileChild,


final Airoll? altAiroll;