Landbot is a wrapper over ,its a Bot Builder Service
Currently Landbot supports subscribing to Stream of Webhooks , Getting Customer Data and Sending Messages to the Customers
Getting started
Add Landbot to Dependencies
landbot: any
longer examples are into /example
Create a Landbot instance
Landbot landbot = Landbot();
Make Sure to Initialise Landbot First before using it , and get the access token from Landbot Account Setting
await landbot.initialise(token: 'YOUR_LANDBOT_TOKEN');
Lanbot will initially start a server on ip:3000 with webhook endpoint as ip:3000/webhook
we can change this port(3000) and default webhook endpoint(webhook)
To Get data into this Stream , make sure to add this url ( http://YOUR_IP:3000/webhook ) to Landbot webhooks
This Stream will Return Message Data , we can reply back to The Customer by using sendMessage
or you can genrate a url with ngrok if you are working on localhost
StreamSubscription subscription =
landbot.webhook.listen((MessageData messageData) {
customerID: messageData.customer!.id!,
message: 'Hello ${messageData.customer!.name}');
To send Message to the Customer , use
await landbot.sendMessage(
customerID:, message: 'Hello ${}');
To Get data of a Customer , use
Customer? customer = await landbot.getCustomer(id: CUSTOMER_ID);
Additional information
This is Just The Initial Version feel free to Contribute or Report any Bug!