HTTPRoute class

Describes match conditions and actions for routing HTTP/1.1, HTTP2, and gRPC traffic. See VirtualService for usage examples.


HTTPRoute({String? name, List<HTTPMatchRequest>? match, List<HTTPRouteDestination>? route, HTTPRedirect? redirect, Delegate? delegate, HTTPRewrite? rewrite, Duration? timeout, HTTPRetry? retries, HTTPFaultInjection? fault, Destination? mirror, Percent? mirrorPercentage, CorsPolicy? corsPolicy, Headers? headers, int? mirrorPercent})
The main constructor.
HTTPRoute.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
Creates a HTTPRoute from JSON data.


corsPolicy CorsPolicy?
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing policy (CORS). Refer to CORS for further details about cross origin resource sharing.
delegate Delegate?
Delegate is used to specify the particular VirtualService which can be used to define delegate HTTPRoute.
fault HTTPFaultInjection?
Fault injection policy to apply on HTTP traffic at the client side. Note that timeouts or retries will not be enabled when faults are enabled on the client side.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
headers Headers?
Header manipulation rules.
match List<HTTPMatchRequest>?
Match conditions to be satisfied for the rule to be activated. All conditions inside a single match block have AND semantics, while the list of match blocks have OR semantics. The rule is matched if any one of the match blocks succeed.
mirror Destination?
Mirror HTTP traffic to a another destination in addition to forwarding the requests to the intended destination. Mirrored traffic is on a best effort basis where the sidecar/gateway will not wait for the mirrored cluster to respond before returning the response from the original destination. Statistics will be generated for the mirrored destination.
mirrorPercent int?
Percentage of the traffic to be mirrored by the mirror field. Use of integer mirror_percent value is deprecated. Use the double mirror_percentage field instead.
mirrorPercentage Percent?
Percentage of the traffic to be mirrored by the mirror field. If this field is absent, all the traffic (100%) will be mirrored. Max value is 100.
name String?
The name assigned to the route for debugging purposes. The route’s name will be concatenated with the match’s name and will be logged in the access logs for requests matching this route/match.
redirect HTTPRedirect?
A HTTP rule can either redirect or forward (default) traffic. If traffic passthrough option is specified in the rule, route/redirect will be ignored. The redirect primitive can be used to send a HTTP 301 redirect to a different URI or Authority.
retries HTTPRetry?
Retry policy for HTTP requests.
rewrite HTTPRewrite?
Rewrite HTTP URIs and Authority headers. Rewrite cannot be used with Redirect primitive. Rewrite will be performed before forwarding.
route List<HTTPRouteDestination>?
A HTTP rule can either redirect or forward (default) traffic. The forwarding target can be one of several versions of a service (see glossary in beginning of document). Weights associated with the service version determine the proportion of traffic it receives.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
timeout Duration?
Timeout for HTTP requests, default is disabled.


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.