kratos_api_dart (EXPERIMENTAL)
Documentation for all public and administrative Ory Kratos APIs. Public and administrative APIs are exposed on different ports. Public APIs can face the public internet without any protection while administrative APIs should never be exposed without prior authorization. To protect the administative API port you should use something like Nginx, Ory Oathkeeper, or any other technology capable of authorizing incoming requests.
This Dart package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 1.0.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.DartDioNextClientCodegen
- Dart 2.12.0 or later OR Flutter 1.26.0 or later
- Dio 4.0.0+
Installation & Usage
To use the package from, please include the following in pubspec.yaml
kratos_api_dart: 1.0.0
If this Dart package is published to Github, please include the following in pubspec.yaml
#ref: main
Local development
To use the package from your local drive, please include the following in pubspec.yaml
path: /path/to/kratos_api_dart
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import 'package:kratos_api_dart/kratos_api_dart.dart';
final api = KratosApiDart().getMetadataApi();
try {
final response = await api.getVersion();
} catch on DioError (e) {
print("Exception when calling MetadataApi->getVersion: $e\n");
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to http://localhost
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
MetadataApi | getVersion | GET /version | Return Running Software Version. |
MetadataApi | isAlive | GET /health/alive | Check HTTP Server Status |
MetadataApi | isReady | GET /health/ready | Check HTTP Server and Database Status |
V0alpha2Api | adminCreateIdentity | POST /identities | Create an Identity |
V0alpha2Api | adminCreateSelfServiceRecoveryLink | POST /recovery/link | Create a Recovery Link |
V0alpha2Api | adminDeleteIdentity | DELETE /identities/{id} | Delete an Identity |
V0alpha2Api | adminDeleteIdentitySessions | DELETE /identities/{id}/sessions | Calling this endpoint irrecoverably and permanently deletes and invalidates all sessions that belong to the given Identity. |
V0alpha2Api | adminGetIdentity | GET /identities/{id} | Get an Identity |
V0alpha2Api | adminListIdentities | GET /identities | List Identities |
V0alpha2Api | adminUpdateIdentity | PUT /identities/{id} | Update an Identity |
V0alpha2Api | createSelfServiceLogoutFlowUrlForBrowsers | GET /self-service/logout/browser | Create a Logout URL for Browsers |
V0alpha2Api | getJsonSchema | GET /schemas/{id} | |
V0alpha2Api | getSelfServiceError | GET /self-service/errors | Get Self-Service Errors |
V0alpha2Api | getSelfServiceLoginFlow | GET /self-service/login/flows | Get Login Flow |
V0alpha2Api | getSelfServiceRecoveryFlow | GET /self-service/recovery/flows | Get Recovery Flow |
V0alpha2Api | getSelfServiceRegistrationFlow | GET /self-service/registration/flows | Get Registration Flow |
V0alpha2Api | getSelfServiceSettingsFlow | GET /self-service/settings/flows | Get Settings Flow |
V0alpha2Api | getSelfServiceVerificationFlow | GET /self-service/verification/flows | Get Verification Flow |
V0alpha2Api | getWebAuthnJavaScript | GET /.well-known/ory/webauthn.js | Get WebAuthn JavaScript |
V0alpha2Api | initializeSelfServiceLoginFlowForBrowsers | GET /self-service/login/browser | Initialize Login Flow for Browsers |
V0alpha2Api | initializeSelfServiceLoginFlowWithoutBrowser | GET /self-service/login/api | Initialize Login Flow for APIs, Services, Apps, ... |
V0alpha2Api | initializeSelfServiceRecoveryFlowForBrowsers | GET /self-service/recovery/browser | Initialize Recovery Flow for Browsers |
V0alpha2Api | initializeSelfServiceRecoveryFlowWithoutBrowser | GET /self-service/recovery/api | Initialize Recovery Flow for APIs, Services, Apps, ... |
V0alpha2Api | initializeSelfServiceRegistrationFlowForBrowsers | GET /self-service/registration/browser | Initialize Registration Flow for Browsers |
V0alpha2Api | initializeSelfServiceRegistrationFlowWithoutBrowser | GET /self-service/registration/api | Initialize Registration Flow for APIs, Services, Apps, ... |
V0alpha2Api | initializeSelfServiceSettingsFlowForBrowsers | GET /self-service/settings/browser | Initialize Settings Flow for Browsers |
V0alpha2Api | initializeSelfServiceSettingsFlowWithoutBrowser | GET /self-service/settings/api | Initialize Settings Flow for APIs, Services, Apps, ... |
V0alpha2Api | initializeSelfServiceVerificationFlowForBrowsers | GET /self-service/verification/browser | Initialize Verification Flow for Browser Clients |
V0alpha2Api | initializeSelfServiceVerificationFlowWithoutBrowser | GET /self-service/verification/api | Initialize Verification Flow for APIs, Services, Apps, ... |
V0alpha2Api | listIdentitySchemas | GET /schemas | |
V0alpha2Api | submitSelfServiceLoginFlow | POST /self-service/login | Submit a Login Flow |
V0alpha2Api | submitSelfServiceLogoutFlow | GET /self-service/logout | Complete Self-Service Logout |
V0alpha2Api | submitSelfServiceLogoutFlowWithoutBrowser | DELETE /self-service/logout/api | Perform Logout for APIs, Services, Apps, ... |
V0alpha2Api | submitSelfServiceRecoveryFlow | POST /self-service/recovery | Complete Recovery Flow |
V0alpha2Api | submitSelfServiceRegistrationFlow | POST /self-service/registration | Submit a Registration Flow |
V0alpha2Api | submitSelfServiceSettingsFlow | POST /self-service/settings | Complete Settings Flow |
V0alpha2Api | submitSelfServiceVerificationFlow | POST /self-service/verification | Complete Verification Flow |
V0alpha2Api | toSession | GET /sessions/whoami | Check Who the Current HTTP Session Belongs To |
Documentation For Models
- AdminCreateIdentityBody
- AdminCreateSelfServiceRecoveryLinkBody
- AdminUpdateIdentityBody
- AuthenticatorAssuranceLevel
- ErrorAuthenticatorAssuranceLevelNotSatisfied
- GenericError
- HealthNotReadyStatus
- HealthStatus
- Identity
- IdentityCredentials
- IdentityCredentialsType
- IdentitySchema
- IdentityState
- InlineResponse200
- InlineResponse2001
- InlineResponse503
- JsonError
- NeedsPrivilegedSessionError
- RecoveryAddress
- SelfServiceBrowserLocationChangeRequiredError
- SelfServiceError
- SelfServiceFlowExpiredError
- SelfServiceLoginFlow
- SelfServiceLogoutUrl
- SelfServiceRecoveryFlow
- SelfServiceRecoveryFlowState
- SelfServiceRecoveryLink
- SelfServiceRegistrationFlow
- SelfServiceSettingsFlow
- SelfServiceSettingsFlowState
- SelfServiceVerificationFlow
- SelfServiceVerificationFlowState
- Session
- SessionAuthenticationMethod
- SessionDevice
- SettingsProfileFormConfig
- SubmitSelfServiceLoginFlowBody
- SubmitSelfServiceLoginFlowWithLookupSecretMethodBody
- SubmitSelfServiceLoginFlowWithOidcMethodBody
- SubmitSelfServiceLoginFlowWithPasswordMethodBody
- SubmitSelfServiceLoginFlowWithTotpMethodBody
- SubmitSelfServiceLoginFlowWithWebAuthnMethodBody
- SubmitSelfServiceLogoutFlowWithoutBrowserBody
- SubmitSelfServiceRecoveryFlowBody
- SubmitSelfServiceRecoveryFlowWithLinkMethodBody
- SubmitSelfServiceRegistrationFlowBody
- SubmitSelfServiceRegistrationFlowWithOidcMethodBody
- SubmitSelfServiceRegistrationFlowWithPasswordMethodBody
- SubmitSelfServiceSettingsFlowBody
- SubmitSelfServiceSettingsFlowWithLookupMethodBody
- SubmitSelfServiceSettingsFlowWithOidcMethodBody
- SubmitSelfServiceSettingsFlowWithPasswordMethodBody
- SubmitSelfServiceSettingsFlowWithProfileMethodBody
- SubmitSelfServiceSettingsFlowWithTotpMethodBody
- SubmitSelfServiceSettingsFlowWithWebAuthnMethodBody
- SubmitSelfServiceVerificationFlowBody
- SubmitSelfServiceVerificationFlowWithLinkMethodBody
- SuccessfulSelfServiceLoginWithoutBrowser
- SuccessfulSelfServiceRegistrationWithoutBrowser
- UiContainer
- UiNode
- UiNodeAnchorAttributes
- UiNodeAttributes
- UiNodeImageAttributes
- UiNodeInputAttributes
- UiNodeMeta
- UiNodeScriptAttributes
- UiNodeTextAttributes
- UiText
- VerifiableIdentityAddress
- Version
Documentation For Authorization
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header