rendering library
- BoxDecorationImagePainter
- Forked from flutter of DecorationImagePainter Class.
- BoxDecorationPainter
- An object that paints a BoxDecoration into a canvas.
- CanvasPainter
- IntersectionObserverEntry
- IntersectionObserverLayer
- KrakenRenderImage
- KrakenRenderParagraph
- Forked from Flutter RenderParagraph Flutter's paragraph line-height calculation logic differs from web's Use multiple line text painters to controll the leading of font in paint stage A render object that displays a paragraph of text. W3C line-height spec:
- RenderBoxModel
- RenderFallbackViewBox
- RenderFlexLayout
- Layout algorithm
- RenderFlowLayout
- Layout algorithm
- RenderLayoutBox
- RenderLayoutParentData
- RenderLineBreak
- RenderPositionPlaceholder
- A placeholder for positioned RenderBox
- RenderPreferredSize
- RenderPreferredSize Render a box with preferred size, if no child provided, size is exactly what preferred size is, but it also obey parent constraints.
- RenderRepaintBoundaryFlexLayout
- RenderRepaintBoundaryFlowLayout
- RenderRepaintBoundaryReplaced
- RenderReplaced
- RenderBox of a replaced element whose content is outside the scope of the CSS formatting model, such as an image or embedded document.
- RenderSliverListLayout
- RenderTextBox
- RenderTextControlLeaderLayer
RenderLeaderLayer of TextFormControlElement used for toolbar overlay
which includes
,Select All
shortcuts to float with. - RenderViewportBox
- TextParentData
ChildType extends RenderBox, ParentDataType extends ContainerBoxParentData< ChildType> > - Modified from Flutter rendering/box.dart. A mixin that provides useful default behaviors for boxes with children managed by the ContainerRenderObjectMixin mixin.
- RenderBoxDecorationMixin
- RenderBoxModelBase
- RenderContentVisibilityMixin
- Lays the child out as if it was in the tree, but without painting anything, without making the child available for hit testing, and without taking any room in the parent.
- RenderEventListenerMixin
- RenderIntersectionObserverMixin
- RenderOpacityMixin
- RenderOverflowMixin
- RenderTransformMixin
RenderBox box) → bool
- HandleGetEventTarget = EventTarget Function()
- IntersectionChangeCallback = void Function(IntersectionObserverEntry info)