attachToContainingBlock method
void attachToContainingBlock(
RenderBox? containingBlockRenderBox,
{ RenderBox? parent, RenderBox? after }
) {
if (parent == null || containingBlockRenderBox == null) return;
RenderBoxModel renderBoxModel = this;
CSSPositionType positionType = renderBoxModel.renderStyle.position;
// The containing block of an element is defined as follows:
if (positionType == CSSPositionType.relative
|| positionType == CSSPositionType.static
|| positionType == CSSPositionType.sticky
) {
// If the element's position is 'relative' or 'static',
// the containing block is formed by the content edge of the nearest block container ancestor box.
attachRenderBox(containingBlockRenderBox, renderBoxModel, after: after);
if (positionType == CSSPositionType.sticky) {
// Placeholder of sticky renderBox need to inherit offset from original renderBox,
// so it needs to layout before original renderBox.
_attachPositionPlaceholder(containingBlockRenderBox, renderBoxModel, after: after);
} else {
// Set custom positioned parentData.
RenderLayoutParentData parentData = RenderLayoutParentData();
renderBoxModel.parentData = CSSPositionedLayout.getPositionParentData(renderBoxModel, parentData);
// Add child to containing block parent.
attachRenderBox(containingBlockRenderBox, renderBoxModel, isLast: true);
// If container block is same as origin parent, the placeholder must after the origin renderBox
// because placeholder depends the constraints in layout stage.
RenderBox? previousSibling = containingBlockRenderBox == parent ?
renderBoxModel : after;
// Add position holder to origin position parent.
_attachPositionPlaceholder(parent, renderBoxModel, after: previousSibling);