DictionaryDefinitionTranslation.fromTranslation constructor
- Translation translation
factory DictionaryDefinitionTranslation.fromTranslation(
Translation translation,
) {
List<String>? translations;
var word = translation.word;
if (word != null) {
// inside square brackets or parenthesis
final pattern = RegExp(r'\[.*?\]|\(.*?\)');
word = word
// Sometimes extra information is inside square brackets, but with
// characters used for separators. So it is best to remove the
// extra information than taking the risk of adding translations
// with trash (pieces of phrases) to the database.
.replaceAll(pattern, "");
// Sometimes translations having comma are separated by the semicolon.
const primarySeparator = ";";
final separators = [
.map((lang) => lang.wordSeparator)
final splitRegExp = RegExp(
(StringBuffer()..writeAll(["[", ...separators, "]"])).toString(),
// translations = word?.split(pattern) ?? null;
final primarySplit = word.split(primarySeparator);
if (primarySplit.length > 1) {
translations = primarySplit;
} else {
translations = word.split(splitRegExp);
translations = translations
(e) => e.replaceAll("【", " (").replaceAll("】", ") ").trim(),
return DictionaryDefinitionTranslation(
definition: translation.definition,
translations: translations,