DisposableModuleExtension extension

Introduces disposable and scopeOneDisposable keywords that comes in complement of single and scoped,to help declare disposable component.

Facilitates the use of Koin with state management that depends on the flow controllers that need to be closed.

  • Module


disposable<T extends Disposable>(ProviderCreate<T> create, {Qualifier? qualifier, bool createdAtStart = false, bool override = false}) → ProviderDefinition<T>
Defines a Disposable as single create that will be automatically closed.
scopeOneDisposable<T extends Disposable, TScope>(ProviderCreate<T> create, {Qualifier? qualifier, bool createdAtStart = false, bool override = false}) → ProviderDefinition<T>
Declare in a simplified way a scope that has only one Bloc definition. Declare a Bloc scoped definition T for scope TScope. Declare and define a scoped with just one line.