RTCRtpReceiver extension type

The RTCRtpReceiver interface of the WebRTC API manages the reception and decoding of data for a MediaStreamTrack on an RTCPeerConnection.

API documentation sourced from MDN Web Docs.

Implemented types
Available extensions


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
jitterBufferTarget double?
The jitterBufferTarget property of the RTCRtpReceiver interface is a DOMHighResTimeStamp that indicates the application's preferred duration, in milliseconds, for which the jitter buffer should hold media before playing it out.
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
track MediaStreamTrack
The track read-only property of the RTCRtpReceiver interface returns the MediaStreamTrack associated with the current RTCRtpReceiver instance.
no setter
transform RTCRtpTransform?
The transform property of the RTCRtpReceiver object is used to insert a transform stream (TransformStream) running in a worker thread into the receiver pipeline. This allows stream transforms to be applied to encoded video and audio frames as they arrive from the packetizer (before they are played/rendered).
getter/setter pair
transport RTCDtlsTransport?
The read-only transport property of an RTCRtpReceiver object provides the RTCDtlsTransport object used to interact with the underlying transport over which the receiver is exchanging Real-time Transport Control Protocol () packets.
no setter


getContributingSources() JSArray<RTCRtpContributingSource>
The getContributingSources() method of the RTCRtpReceiver interface returns an array of objects, each corresponding to one CSRC (contributing source) identifier received by the current RTCRtpReceiver in the last ten seconds.
getParameters() RTCRtpReceiveParameters
The getParameters() method of the RTCRtpReceiver interface returns an object describing the current configuration for how the receiver's RTCRtpReceiver.track is decoded.
getStats() JSPromise<RTCStatsReport>
The RTCRtpReceiver method getStats() asynchronously requests an RTCStatsReport object which provides statistics about incoming traffic on the owning RTCPeerConnection, returning a Promise whose fulfillment handler will be called once the results are available.
getSynchronizationSources() JSArray<RTCRtpSynchronizationSource>
The getSynchronizationSources() method of the RTCRtpReceiver interface returns an array of objects, each corresponding to one SSRC (synchronization source) identifier received by the current RTCRtpReceiver in the last ten seconds.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

getCapabilities(String kind) RTCRtpCapabilities?
The static method RTCRtpReceiver.getCapabilities() returns an object describing the codec and header extension capabilities supported by RTCRtpReceiver objects on the current device.