File extension type

The File interface provides information about files and allows JavaScript in a web page to access their content.

File objects are generally retrieved from a FileList object returned as a result of a user selecting files using the input element, or from a drag and drop operation's DataTransfer object.

A File object is a specific kind of Blob, and can be used in any context that a Blob can. In particular, FileReader, URL.createObjectURL_static, createImageBitmap, the body option to fetch, and XMLHttpRequest accept both Blobs and Files.

See Using files from web applications for more information and examples.

API documentation sourced from MDN Web Docs.

Implemented types
Available extensions


File(JSArray<BlobPart> fileBits, String fileName, [FilePropertyBag options])


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isDefinedAndNotNull bool

Available on JSAny?, provided by the NullableUndefineableJSAnyExtension extension

no setter
isNull bool

Available on JSAny?, provided by the NullableUndefineableJSAnyExtension extension

Whether this value corresponds to JavaScript null.
no setter
isTruthy JSBoolean

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyOperatorExtension extension

The result of !!this in JavaScript.
no setter
isUndefined bool

Available on JSAny?, provided by the NullableUndefineableJSAnyExtension extension

Whether this value corresponds to JavaScript undefined.
no setter
isUndefinedOrNull bool

Available on JSAny?, provided by the NullableUndefineableJSAnyExtension extension

no setter
lastModified int
The lastModified read-only property of the File interface provides the last modified date of the file as the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch (January 1, 1970 at midnight). Files without a known last modified date return the current date.
no setter
name String
The name read-only property of the File interface returns the name of the file represented by a File object. For security reasons, the path is excluded from this property.
no setter
not JSBoolean

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyOperatorExtension extension

The result of !this in JavaScript.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
size int
The size read-only property of the Blob interface returns the size of the Blob or File in bytes.
no setterinherited
type String
The type read-only property of the Blob interface returns the of the file.
no setterinherited
webkitRelativePath String
The webkitRelativePath read-only property of the File interface contains a string which specifies the file's path relative to the directory selected by the user in an input element with its webkitdirectory attribute set.
no setter


add(JSAny? any) JSAny

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyOperatorExtension extension

The result of this + any in JavaScript.
and(JSAny? any) JSAny?

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyOperatorExtension extension

The result of this && any in JavaScript.
arrayBuffer() JSPromise<JSArrayBuffer>
The arrayBuffer() method of the Blob interface returns a Promise that resolves with the contents of the blob as binary data contained in an ArrayBuffer.
callMethod<R extends JSAny?>(JSAny method, [JSAny? arg1, JSAny? arg2, JSAny? arg3, JSAny? arg4]) → R

Available on JSObject, provided by the JSObjectUnsafeUtilExtension extension

Calls method on this JSObject with up to four arguments.
callMethodVarArgs<R extends JSAny?>(JSAny method, [List<JSAny?>? arguments]) → R

Available on JSObject, provided by the JSObjectUnsafeUtilExtension extension

Calls method on this JSObject with a variable number of arguments.
dartify() Object?

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyUtilityExtension extension

Converts a JavaScript value to the Dart equivalent if possible.
delete(JSAny property) JSBoolean

Available on JSObject, provided by the JSObjectUnsafeUtilExtension extension

Deletes the property with key property from this JSObject.
divide(JSAny? any) JSAny

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyOperatorExtension extension

The result of this / any in JavaScript.
equals(JSAny? any) JSBoolean

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyOperatorExtension extension

The result of this == any in JavaScript.
exponentiate(JSAny? any) JSAny

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyOperatorExtension extension

The result of this ** any in JavaScript.
getProperty<R extends JSAny?>(JSAny property) → R

Available on JSObject, provided by the JSObjectUnsafeUtilExtension extension

The value of the property key property of this JSObject.
greaterThan(JSAny? any) JSBoolean

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyOperatorExtension extension

The result of this > any in JavaScript.
greaterThanOrEqualTo(JSAny? any) JSBoolean

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyOperatorExtension extension

The result of this >= any in JavaScript.
has(String property) bool

Available on JSObject, provided by the JSObjectUnsafeUtilExtension extension

Shorthand helper for hasProperty to check whether this JSObject contains the property key property, but takes and returns a Dart value.
hasProperty(JSAny property) JSBoolean

Available on JSObject, provided by the JSObjectUnsafeUtilExtension extension

Whether or not this JSObject contains the property key property.
instanceof(JSFunction constructor) bool

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyUtilityExtension extension

Whether this JSAny? is an instanceof constructor.
instanceOfString(String constructorName) bool

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyUtilityExtension extension

Whether this JSAny? is an instanceof the constructor that is defined by constructorName, which is looked up in the globalContext.
isA<T extends JSAny?>() bool

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyUtilityExtension extension

Whether this JSAny? is an instance of the JavaScript type that is declared by T.
lessThan(JSAny? any) JSBoolean

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyOperatorExtension extension

The result of this < any in JavaScript.
lessThanOrEqualTo(JSAny? any) JSBoolean

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyOperatorExtension extension

The result of this <= any in JavaScript.
modulo(JSAny? any) JSAny

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyOperatorExtension extension

The result of this % any in JavaScript.
multiply(JSAny? any) JSAny

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyOperatorExtension extension

The result of this * any in JavaScript.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
notEquals(JSAny? any) JSBoolean

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyOperatorExtension extension

The result of this != any in JavaScript.
or(JSAny? any) JSAny?

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyOperatorExtension extension

The result of this || any in JavaScript.
setProperty(JSAny property, JSAny? value) → void

Available on JSObject, provided by the JSObjectUnsafeUtilExtension extension

Write the value of property key property of this JSObject.
slice([int start, int end, String contentType]) Blob
The slice() method of the Blob interface creates and returns a new Blob object which contains data from a subset of the blob on which it's called.
stream() ReadableStream
The stream() method of the Blob interface returns a ReadableStream which upon reading returns the data contained within the Blob.
strictEquals(JSAny? any) JSBoolean

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyOperatorExtension extension

The result of this === any in JavaScript.
strictNotEquals(JSAny? any) JSBoolean

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyOperatorExtension extension

The result of this !== any in JavaScript.
subtract(JSAny? any) JSAny

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyOperatorExtension extension

The result of this - any in JavaScript.
text() JSPromise<JSString>
The text() method of the Blob interface returns a Promise that resolves with a string containing the contents of the blob, interpreted as UTF-8.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
typeofEquals(String typeString) bool

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyUtilityExtension extension

Whether the result of typeof on this JSAny? is typeString.
unsignedRightShift(JSAny? any) JSNumber

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyOperatorExtension extension

The result of this >>> any in JavaScript.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.
operator [](String property) JSAny?

Available on JSObject, provided by the JSObjectUnsafeUtilExtension extension

Shorthand helper for getProperty to get the value of the property key property of this JSObject, but takes and returns a Dart value.
operator []=(String property, JSAny? value) → void

Available on JSObject, provided by the JSObjectUnsafeUtilExtension extension

Shorthand helper for setProperty to write the value of the property key property of this JSObject, but takes a Dart value.