AnalyserNode extension type

The AnalyserNode interface represents a node able to provide real-time frequency and time-domain analysis information. It is an AudioNode that passes the audio stream unchanged from the input to the output, but allows you to take the generated data, process it, and create audio visualizations.

An AnalyserNode has exactly one input and one output. The node works even if the output is not connected.

Without modifying the audio stream, the node allows to get the frequency
and time-domain data associated to it, using a FFT.

Number of inputs 1
Number of outputs 1 (but may be left unconnected)
Channel count mode "max"
Channel count 2
Channel interpretation "speakers"

API documentation sourced from MDN Web Docs.

Implemented types
Available extensions


AnalyserNode(BaseAudioContext context, [AnalyserOptions options])


channelCount int
The channelCount property of the AudioNode interface represents an integer used to determine how many channels are used when up-mixing and down-mixing connections to any inputs to the node.
getter/setter pairinherited
channelCountMode ChannelCountMode
The channelCountMode property of the AudioNode interface represents an enumerated value describing the way channels must be matched between the node's inputs and outputs.
getter/setter pairinherited
channelInterpretation ChannelInterpretation
The channelInterpretation property of the AudioNode interface represents an enumerated value describing how input channels are mapped to output channels when the number of inputs/outputs is different. For example, this setting defines how a mono input will be up-mixed to a stereo or 5.1 channel output, or how a quad channel input will be down-mixed to a stereo or mono output.
getter/setter pairinherited
context BaseAudioContext
The read-only context property of the AudioNode interface returns the associated BaseAudioContext, that is the object representing the processing graph the node is participating in.
no setterinherited
fftSize int
The fftSize property of the AnalyserNode interface is an unsigned long value and represents the window size in samples that is used when performing a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to get frequency domain data.
getter/setter pair
frequencyBinCount int
The frequencyBinCount read-only property of the AnalyserNode interface contains the total number of data points available to AudioContext BaseAudioContext.sampleRate. This is half of the value of the AnalyserNode.fftSize. The two methods' indices have a linear relationship with the frequencies they represent, between 0 and the Nyquist frequency.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isDefinedAndNotNull bool

Available on JSAny?, provided by the NullableUndefineableJSAnyExtension extension

no setter
isNull bool

Available on JSAny?, provided by the NullableUndefineableJSAnyExtension extension

Whether this value corresponds to JavaScript null.
no setter
isTruthy JSBoolean

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyOperatorExtension extension

The result of !!this in JavaScript.
no setter
isUndefined bool

Available on JSAny?, provided by the NullableUndefineableJSAnyExtension extension

Whether this value corresponds to JavaScript undefined.
no setter
isUndefinedOrNull bool

Available on JSAny?, provided by the NullableUndefineableJSAnyExtension extension

no setter
maxDecibels double
The maxDecibels property of the AnalyserNode interface is a double value representing the maximum power value in the scaling range for the FFT analysis data, for conversion to unsigned byte values — basically, this specifies the maximum value for the range of results when using getByteFrequencyData().
getter/setter pair
minDecibels double
The minDecibels property of the AnalyserNode interface is a double value representing the minimum power value in the scaling range for the FFT analysis data, for conversion to unsigned byte values — basically, this specifies the minimum value for the range of results when using getByteFrequencyData().
getter/setter pair
not JSBoolean

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyOperatorExtension extension

The result of !this in JavaScript.
no setter
numberOfInputs int
The numberOfInputs property of the AudioNode interface returns the number of inputs feeding the node. Source nodes are defined as nodes having a numberOfInputs property with a value of 0.
no setterinherited
numberOfOutputs int
The numberOfOutputs property of the AudioNode interface returns the number of outputs coming out of the node. Destination nodes — like AudioDestinationNode — have a value of 0 for this attribute.
no setterinherited
onEnded Stream<Event>

Available on AudioNode, provided by the AutoElementEventGetters extension

no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
smoothingTimeConstant double
The smoothingTimeConstant property of the AnalyserNode interface is a double value representing the averaging constant with the last analysis frame. It's basically an average between the current buffer and the last buffer the AnalyserNode processed, and results in a much smoother set of value changes over time.
getter/setter pair


add(JSAny? any) JSAny

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyOperatorExtension extension

The result of this + any in JavaScript.
addEventListener(String type, EventListener? callback, [JSAny options]) → void
The addEventListener() method of the EventTarget interface sets up a function that will be called whenever the specified event is delivered to the target.
and(JSAny? any) JSAny?

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyOperatorExtension extension

The result of this && any in JavaScript.
callMethod<R extends JSAny?>(JSAny method, [JSAny? arg1, JSAny? arg2, JSAny? arg3, JSAny? arg4]) → R

Available on JSObject, provided by the JSObjectUnsafeUtilExtension extension

Calls method on this JSObject with up to four arguments.
callMethodVarArgs<R extends JSAny?>(JSAny method, [List<JSAny?>? arguments]) → R

Available on JSObject, provided by the JSObjectUnsafeUtilExtension extension

Calls method on this JSObject with a variable number of arguments.
connect(JSObject destinationNodeOrDestinationParam, [int output, int input]) AudioNode?
The connect() method of the AudioNode interface lets you connect one of the node's outputs to a target, which may be either another AudioNode (thereby directing the sound data to the specified node) or an AudioParam, so that the node's output data is automatically used to change the value of that parameter over time.
dartify() Object?

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyUtilityExtension extension

Converts a JavaScript value to the Dart equivalent if possible.
delete(JSAny property) JSBoolean

Available on JSObject, provided by the JSObjectUnsafeUtilExtension extension

Deletes the property with key property from this JSObject.
disconnect([JSAny destinationNodeOrDestinationParamOrOutput, int output, int input]) → void
The disconnect() method of the AudioNode interface lets you disconnect one or more nodes from the node on which the method is called.
dispatchEvent(Event event) bool
The dispatchEvent() method of the EventTarget sends an Event to the object, (synchronously) invoking the affected event listeners in the appropriate order. The normal event processing rules (including the capturing and optional bubbling phase) also apply to events dispatched manually with dispatchEvent().
divide(JSAny? any) JSAny

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyOperatorExtension extension

The result of this / any in JavaScript.
equals(JSAny? any) JSBoolean

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyOperatorExtension extension

The result of this == any in JavaScript.
exponentiate(JSAny? any) JSAny

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyOperatorExtension extension

The result of this ** any in JavaScript.
getByteFrequencyData(JSUint8Array array) → void
The getByteFrequencyData() method of the AnalyserNode interface copies the current frequency data into a Uint8Array (unsigned byte array) passed into it.
getByteTimeDomainData(JSUint8Array array) → void
The getByteTimeDomainData() method of the AnalyserNode Interface copies the current waveform, or time-domain, data into a Uint8Array (unsigned byte array) passed into it.
getFloatFrequencyData(JSFloat32Array array) → void
The getFloatFrequencyData() method of the AnalyserNode Interface copies the current frequency data into a Float32Array array passed into it. Each array value is a sample, the magnitude of the signal at a particular time.
getFloatTimeDomainData(JSFloat32Array array) → void
The getFloatTimeDomainData() method of the AnalyserNode Interface copies the current waveform, or time-domain, data into a Float32Array array passed into it. Each array value is a sample, the magnitude of the signal at a particular time.
getProperty<R extends JSAny?>(JSAny property) → R

Available on JSObject, provided by the JSObjectUnsafeUtilExtension extension

The value of the property key property of this JSObject.
greaterThan(JSAny? any) JSBoolean

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyOperatorExtension extension

The result of this > any in JavaScript.
greaterThanOrEqualTo(JSAny? any) JSBoolean

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyOperatorExtension extension

The result of this >= any in JavaScript.
has(String property) bool

Available on JSObject, provided by the JSObjectUnsafeUtilExtension extension

Shorthand helper for hasProperty to check whether this JSObject contains the property key property, but takes and returns a Dart value.
hasProperty(JSAny property) JSBoolean

Available on JSObject, provided by the JSObjectUnsafeUtilExtension extension

Whether or not this JSObject contains the property key property.
instanceof(JSFunction constructor) bool

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyUtilityExtension extension

Whether this JSAny? is an instanceof constructor.
instanceOfString(String constructorName) bool

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyUtilityExtension extension

Whether this JSAny? is an instanceof the constructor that is defined by constructorName, which is looked up in the globalContext.
isA<T extends JSAny?>() bool

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyUtilityExtension extension

Whether this JSAny? is an instance of the JavaScript type that is declared by T.
lessThan(JSAny? any) JSBoolean

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyOperatorExtension extension

The result of this < any in JavaScript.
lessThanOrEqualTo(JSAny? any) JSBoolean

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyOperatorExtension extension

The result of this <= any in JavaScript.
modulo(JSAny? any) JSAny

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyOperatorExtension extension

The result of this % any in JavaScript.
multiply(JSAny? any) JSAny

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyOperatorExtension extension

The result of this * any in JavaScript.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
notEquals(JSAny? any) JSBoolean

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyOperatorExtension extension

The result of this != any in JavaScript.
or(JSAny? any) JSAny?

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyOperatorExtension extension

The result of this || any in JavaScript.
removeEventListener(String type, EventListener? callback, [JSAny options]) → void
The removeEventListener() method of the EventTarget interface removes an event listener previously registered with EventTarget.addEventListener from the target. The event listener to be removed is identified using a combination of the event type, the event listener function itself, and various optional options that may affect the matching process; see Matching event listeners for removal.
setProperty(JSAny property, JSAny? value) → void

Available on JSObject, provided by the JSObjectUnsafeUtilExtension extension

Write the value of property key property of this JSObject.
strictEquals(JSAny? any) JSBoolean

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyOperatorExtension extension

The result of this === any in JavaScript.
strictNotEquals(JSAny? any) JSBoolean

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyOperatorExtension extension

The result of this !== any in JavaScript.
subtract(JSAny? any) JSAny

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyOperatorExtension extension

The result of this - any in JavaScript.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
typeofEquals(String typeString) bool

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyUtilityExtension extension

Whether the result of typeof on this JSAny? is typeString.
unsignedRightShift(JSAny? any) JSNumber

Available on JSAny?, provided by the JSAnyOperatorExtension extension

The result of this >>> any in JavaScript.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.
operator [](String property) JSAny?

Available on JSObject, provided by the JSObjectUnsafeUtilExtension extension

Shorthand helper for getProperty to get the value of the property key property of this JSObject, but takes and returns a Dart value.
operator []=(String property, JSAny? value) → void

Available on JSObject, provided by the JSObjectUnsafeUtilExtension extension

Shorthand helper for setProperty to write the value of the property key property of this JSObject, but takes a Dart value.