Kind<T> class abstract

A class for creating, inspecting, and manipulating instances of specific type T.






bitsPerListElement int
Number of bits per value or -1 if the number of bits undefined.
no setter
declaredExamples List<T>
Returns declared examples of this value.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isSerializable bool
no setter
name String
Name of this kind for debugging purposes.
no setter
protobufFieldType int
Returns package:protobuf GeneratedMessage field type.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


getKind() EntityKind<Object>
Returns Kind of this entity.
instanceCast(Object? value) → T
Casts the value to T or throws an error.
instanceIsCorrectType(Object? value) bool
Tells whether the argument is an instance of the wanted Dart type.
instanceIsDefaultValue(Object? value) bool
Tells whether the argument is a value returned by newInstance.
instanceIsValid(Object? value) bool
A shorthand for checking validity with instanceValidate.
instanceValidate(ValidateContext context, Object? value) → void
Checks that the type is correct and then validates constraints with instanceValidateConstraints.
instanceValidateConstraints(ValidateContext context, T value) → void
Validates that the argument matches constraints (minimum length, etc.).
instanceValidateOrThrow(Object? value) → void
A shorthand for calling instanceValidate with the context ValidateContext.throwing().
jsonTreeDecode(Object? value, {JsonDecodingContext? context}) → T
Converts the argument (a JSON tree) into an instance of T.
jsonTreeEncode(T instance, {JsonEncodingContext? context}) Object?
Converts the argument into a JSON tree.
newInstance() → T
Returns new default value.
newList(int length, {bool growable = false, bool reactive = true}) List<T>
Returns a new list of this kind, which is guaranteed some properties.
newListFrom(Iterable<T> iterable, {bool growable = true, bool reactive = true}) List<T>
A method similar to the list constructor List.from.
newListGenerate(int length, T function(int i), {bool growable = false, bool reactive = true}) List<T>
A method similar to the list constructor List.generate.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
protobufNewInstance() Object?
Constructs package:protobuf GeneratedMessage field value (e.g. bool, Int64, GeneratedMessage).
protobufTreeDecode(Object? value, {ProtobufDecodingContext? context}) → T
Converts the argument (a Protocol Buffers tree) into an instance of T.
protobufTreeEncode(T instance, {ProtobufEncodingContext? context}) Object
Converts the argument into a Protocol Buffers tree.
randomExample({RandomExampleContext? context}) → T
Generates a random example.
randomExampleList(int n, {RandomExampleContext? context}) List<T>
Generates a list of N random examples (with randomExample).
toNonNullable() Kind<T>
Returns a non-nullable version of this kind.
toNullable() NullableKind<T>
Returns a nullable version of this kind.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

kind Kind<Kind>

Static Methods

of(Object? value, {bool noInt = false}) Kind?
Returns Kind for instances of common Dart classes.