KhaltiLocalizations class abstract

The class to provide localization support for the Khalti Payment Gateway library.


Default constructor for KhaltiLocalizations.


amount String
no setter
anErrorOccurred String
An Error Occurred
no setter
cancel String
no setter
chooseYourPaymentMethod String
Choose your payment method
no setter
confirmingPayment String
Confirming Payment
no setter
confirmPayment String
Confirm Payment
no setter
connectIps String
Connect IPS
no setter
eBanking String
no setter
enterValidMobileNumber String
Please enter a valid mobile number
no setter
fieldRequired String
This field is required
no setter
forgotPin String
Forgot Khalti MPIN?
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
initiatingPayment String
Initiating Payment
no setter
installKhalti String
Install Khalti
no setter
khalti String
no setter
khaltiMobileNumber String
Khalti Mobile Number
no setter
khaltiMPIN String
Khalti MPIN
no setter
khaltiNotInstalledMessage String
Khalti is not installed in your device. Either install Khalti App or proceed using your browser.
no setter
mobileBanking String
Mobile Banking
no setter
mPinMustBeMin4Chars String
Khalti MPIN must be at least 4 characters
no setter
networkUnreachable String
Network Unreachable
no setter
networkUnreachableMessage String
Your connection could not be established.
no setter
noBanksFound String
No banks found
no setter
noConnection String
No Connection
no setter
noConnectionMessage String
Slow or no internet connection. Please check your internet & try again.
no setter
noInternet String
No Internet
no setter
noInternetMessage String
You are not connected to the internet. Please check your connection.
no setter
ok String
no setter
pay String
no setter
payCodeMustBeMin6Chars String
Payment Code must be at least 6 characters
no setter
paymentCode String
Payment Code
no setter
paymentInitiationSuccessMessage String
Khalti has sent a confirmation code in your Khalti registered number and email address.
no setter
pleaseSelectYourBank String
Please select your Bank
no setter
proceedUsingBrowser String
Proceed using browser
no setter
resetKhaltiMPIN String
Reset Khalti MPIN
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
sct String
no setter
searchBank String
Search Bank
no setter
searchForAnotherKeyword String
Please search for another keyword
no setter
success String
no setter
test String
no setter
verifyOTP String
Verify OTP
no setter


attemptsRemaining(int remainingAttempts) String
Attempts Remaining: remainingAttempts
enterOtpSentTo(String mobileNo) String
Enter the OTP sent via SMS to mobile number mobileNo
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
payWith(String method) String
Pay with method
rupee(double amount) String
Rs. amount
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

of(BuildContext context) KhaltiLocalizations
Returns the localized resources object of KhaltiLocalizations for the widget tree that corresponds to the given context.


delegate → const LocalizationsDelegate<KhaltiLocalizations>
The delegate to provide KhaltiLocalizations.