keyboard_mouse_indicator library
- KeyboardIndicatorController
- A controller for the KeyboardMouseIndicator widget.
- KeyboardMouseIndicator
- A widget that indicates a history of keyboard keys pressed. It only shows the last maxLength distinct keys pressed. If the same key is pressed multiple times, it will show how many times it was pressed.
- KeyboardMouseIndicatorBuilder
- A widget that indicates a history of keyboard keys pressed. It only shows the last maxLength distinct keys pressed. If the same key is pressed multiple times, it will show how many times it was pressed.
- KeyIndicatorEvent
- An event that represents a key pressed or a mouse button pressed event
- MouseIndicator
- A widget that shows a mouse UI with 3 buttons that indicates the state of the mouse buttons.
- MouseIndicatorStyle
- Defines the style of the mouse region.
- MouseWidget
- A widget that displays a mouse.
- MouseButton
- Represents a mouse button.
- PointerEventExt on PointerEvent
- Extensions for PointerEvent.
→ const List<
LogicalKeyboardKey> - List of keys that are considered as alt keys.
→ const List<
LogicalKeyboardKey> - List of keys that are considered as control keys.
- kDefaultMouseIndicatorAspectRatio → const double
- The default aspect ratio of the mouse indicator.
- kDefaultMouseIndicatorHeight → const double
- The default height of the mouse indicator.
- kDefaultMouseIndicatorWidth → const double
- The default width of the mouse indicator.
→ const List<
LogicalKeyboardKey> - List of keys that are considered as meta keys.
→ const List<
LogicalKeyboardKey> - List of keys that are considered as modifier keys.
→ const List<
LogicalKeyboardKey> - List of keys that are considered as shift keys.
= Widget Function(BuildContext context, List<
KeyIndicatorEvent> keys) - A builder that builds a widget that indicates a keyboard key pressed.