AppThemeData class

Set the theme of the application.

ColorScheme and TextTheme of MaterialDesign3 can be specified.

You can use context.theme to get this value, or you can pass ThemeData converted by toThemeData to MaterialApp and other widgets in Flutter.

ColorScheme can be obtained by color. TextTheme can be obtained by text. widget allows you to retrieve the theme used for the widget. In asset, you can get the assets of the application specified in pubspec.yaml. You can get the font of the app specified in pubspec.yaml at font.

You can also set up your own theme by extending ColorThemeData, TextThemeData, WidgetThemeData, AssetThemeData, and FontThemeData with extensions, respectively.






See also:



AppThemeData({Color primary =, Color secondary = Colors.cyan, Color tertiary = Colors.lightBlue, Color primaryContainer = Colors.blueAccent, Color secondaryContainer = Colors.cyanAccent, Color tertiaryContainer = Colors.lightBlueAccent, Color disabled = Colors.grey, Color weak = Colors.grey, Color outline = Colors.grey, Color? outlineVariant, Color error =, Color warning = Colors.amber, Color info =, Color success =, Color? surface, Color? surfaceVariant, Color? background, Color onPrimary = kWhiteColor, Color onSecondary = kWhiteColor, Color onTertiary = kWhiteColor, Color onPrimaryContainer = kWhiteColor, Color onSecondaryContainer = kWhiteColor, Color onTertiaryContainer = kWhiteColor, Color onDisabled = kWhiteColor, Color? onSurface, Color? onSurfaceVariant, Color? onBackground, Color onWeak = kWhiteColor, Color onError = kWhiteColor, Color onInfo = kWhiteColor, Color onSuccess = kWhiteColor, Color onWarning = kWhiteColor, Color splashColor = kSplashColor, Color shadow =, Color? appBarColor, Color? onAppBarColor, Color? onExpandedAppBarColor, Color? scaffoldBackgroundColor, Color? dialogColor, Color? onDialogColor, Color? inversePrimary, Color? inverseSecondary, Color? inverseTertiary, Color? inversePrimaryContainer, Color? inverseSecondaryContainer, Color? inverseTertiaryContainer, Color? inverseDisabled, Color? inverseWeak, Color? inverseOutline, Color? inverseError, Color? inverseWarning, Color? inverseInfo, Color? inverseSuccess, Color? inverseSurface, Color? inverseBackground, Color? onInversePrimary, Color? onInverseSecondary, Color? onInverseTertiary, Color? onInversePrimaryContainer, Color? onInverseSecondaryContainer, Color? onInverseTertiaryContainer, Color? onInverseDisabled, Color? onInverseSurface, Color? onInverseBackground, Color? onInverseWeak, Color? onInverseError, Color? onInverseInfo, Color? onInverseSuccess, Color? onInverseWarning, Color? inverseSplashColor, Color? inverseShadow, Color? inverseAppBarColor, Color? onInverseAppBarColor, Color? onInverseExpandedAppBarColor, Color? inverseScaffoldBackgroundColor, Color? inverseDialogColor, Color? onInverseDialogColor, ThemeMode themeMode = ThemeMode.system, TextStyle displayLarge = const TextStyle(fontSize: 57, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.even), TextStyle displayMedium = const TextStyle(fontSize: 45, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.even), TextStyle displaySmall = const TextStyle(fontSize: 36, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.even), TextStyle headlineLarge = const TextStyle(fontSize: 32, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400, height: 1.25, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.proportional), TextStyle headlineMedium = const TextStyle(fontSize: 28, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400, height: 1.29, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.proportional), TextStyle headlineSmall = const TextStyle(fontSize: 24, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400, height: 1.33, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.proportional), TextStyle titleLarge = const TextStyle(fontSize: 22, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.even), TextStyle titleMedium = const TextStyle(fontSize: 16, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.even), TextStyle titleSmall = const TextStyle(fontSize: 14, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.even), TextStyle bodyLarge = const TextStyle(fontSize: 16, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.even), TextStyle bodyMedium = const TextStyle(fontSize: 14, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.even), TextStyle bodySmall = const TextStyle(fontSize: 12, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.even), TextStyle labelLarge = const TextStyle(fontSize: 14, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.even), TextStyle labelMedium = const TextStyle(fontSize: 12, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.even), TextStyle labelSmall = const TextStyle(fontSize: 11, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.even), double fontSizeFactor = 1.0, double fontSizeDelta = 0.0, String? defaultFontFamily, bool useMaterial3 = true, TargetPlatform platform = TargetPlatform.iOS, bool? centerTitleOnAppBar, Brightness brightness = Brightness.light, Brightness? statusBarBrightnessOnIOS, Brightness? statusBarBrightnessOnAndroid, bool fixed = false})
The light theme defines the initial color.
AppThemeData.dark({Color primary =, Color secondary = Colors.cyan, Color tertiary = Colors.lightBlue, Color primaryContainer = Colors.blueAccent, Color secondaryContainer = Colors.cyanAccent, Color tertiaryContainer = Colors.lightBlueAccent, Color disabled = Colors.grey, Color weak = Colors.grey, Color outline = Colors.grey, Color? outlineVariant, Color error =, Color warning = Colors.amber, Color info =, Color success =, Color? surface, Color? surfaceVariant, Color? background, Color onPrimary = kWhiteColor, Color onSecondary = kWhiteColor, Color onTertiary = kWhiteColor, Color onPrimaryContainer = kWhiteColor, Color onSecondaryContainer = kWhiteColor, Color onTertiaryContainer = kWhiteColor, Color onDisabled = kWhiteColor, Color? onSurface, Color? onSurfaceVariant, Color? onBackground, Color onWeak = kWhiteColor, Color onError = kWhiteColor, Color onInfo = kWhiteColor, Color onSuccess = kWhiteColor, Color onWarning = kWhiteColor, Color splashColor = kSplashColor, Color shadow =, Color? appBarColor, Color? onAppBarColor, Color? onExpandedAppBarColor, Color? scaffoldBackgroundColor, Color? dialogColor, Color? onDialogColor, Color? inversePrimary, Color? inverseSecondary, Color? inverseTertiary, Color? inversePrimaryContainer, Color? inverseSecondaryContainer, Color? inverseTertiaryContainer, Color? inverseDisabled, Color? inverseWeak, Color? inverseOutline, Color? inverseError, Color? inverseWarning, Color? inverseInfo, Color? inverseSuccess, Color? inverseSurface, Color? inverseBackground, Color? onInversePrimary, Color? onInverseSecondary, Color? onInverseTertiary, Color? onInversePrimaryContainer, Color? onInverseSecondaryContainer, Color? onInverseTertiaryContainer, Color? onInverseDisabled, Color? onInverseSurface, Color? onInverseBackground, Color? onInverseWeak, Color? onInverseError, Color? onInverseInfo, Color? onInverseSuccess, Color? onInverseWarning, Color? inverseSplashColor, Color? inverseShadow, Color? inverseAppBarColor, Color? onInverseAppBarColor, Color? onInverseExpandedAppBarColor, Color? inverseScaffoldBackgroundColor, Color? inverseDialogColor, Color? onInverseDialogColor, ThemeMode themeMode = ThemeMode.system, TextStyle displayLarge = const TextStyle(fontSize: 57, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.even), TextStyle displayMedium = const TextStyle(fontSize: 45, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.even), TextStyle displaySmall = const TextStyle(fontSize: 36, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.even), TextStyle headlineLarge = const TextStyle(fontSize: 32, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400, height: 1.25, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.proportional), TextStyle headlineMedium = const TextStyle(fontSize: 28, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400, height: 1.29, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.proportional), TextStyle headlineSmall = const TextStyle(fontSize: 24, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400, height: 1.33, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.proportional), TextStyle titleLarge = const TextStyle(fontSize: 22, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.even), TextStyle titleMedium = const TextStyle(fontSize: 16, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.even), TextStyle titleSmall = const TextStyle(fontSize: 14, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.even), TextStyle bodyLarge = const TextStyle(fontSize: 16, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.even), TextStyle bodyMedium = const TextStyle(fontSize: 14, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.even), TextStyle bodySmall = const TextStyle(fontSize: 12, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.even), TextStyle labelLarge = const TextStyle(fontSize: 14, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.even), TextStyle labelMedium = const TextStyle(fontSize: 12, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.even), TextStyle labelSmall = const TextStyle(fontSize: 11, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.even), double fontSizeFactor = 1.0, double fontSizeDelta = 0.0, String? defaultFontFamily, bool useMaterial3 = true, TargetPlatform platform = TargetPlatform.iOS, bool? centerTitleOnAppBar, Brightness? statusBarBrightnessOnIOS, Brightness? statusBarBrightnessOnAndroid, bool fixed = false})
The dark theme defines the initial color.
AppThemeData.light({Color primary =, Color secondary = Colors.cyan, Color tertiary = Colors.lightBlue, Color primaryContainer = Colors.blueAccent, Color secondaryContainer = Colors.cyanAccent, Color tertiaryContainer = Colors.lightBlueAccent, Color disabled = Colors.grey, Color weak = Colors.grey, Color outline = Colors.grey, Color? outlineVariant, Color error =, Color warning = Colors.amber, Color info =, Color success =, Color? surface, Color? surfaceVariant, Color? background, Color onPrimary = kWhiteColor, Color onSecondary = kWhiteColor, Color onTertiary = kWhiteColor, Color onPrimaryContainer = kWhiteColor, Color onSecondaryContainer = kWhiteColor, Color onTertiaryContainer = kWhiteColor, Color onDisabled = kWhiteColor, Color? onSurface, Color? onSurfaceVariant, Color? onBackground, Color onWeak = kWhiteColor, Color onError = kWhiteColor, Color onInfo = kWhiteColor, Color onSuccess = kWhiteColor, Color onWarning = kWhiteColor, Color splashColor = kSplashColor, Color shadow =, Color? appBarColor, Color? onAppBarColor, Color? onExpandedAppBarColor, Color? scaffoldBackgroundColor, Color? dialogColor, Color? onDialogColor, Color? inversePrimary, Color? inverseSecondary, Color? inverseTertiary, Color? inversePrimaryContainer, Color? inverseSecondaryContainer, Color? inverseTertiaryContainer, Color? inverseDisabled, Color? inverseWeak, Color? inverseOutline, Color? inverseError, Color? inverseWarning, Color? inverseInfo, Color? inverseSuccess, Color? inverseSurface, Color? inverseBackground, Color? onInversePrimary, Color? onInverseSecondary, Color? onInverseTertiary, Color? onInversePrimaryContainer, Color? onInverseSecondaryContainer, Color? onInverseTertiaryContainer, Color? onInverseDisabled, Color? onInverseSurface, Color? onInverseBackground, Color? onInverseWeak, Color? onInverseError, Color? onInverseInfo, Color? onInverseSuccess, Color? onInverseWarning, Color? inverseSplashColor, Color? inverseShadow, Color? inverseAppBarColor, Color? onInverseAppBarColor, Color? onInverseExpandedAppBarColor, Color? inverseScaffoldBackgroundColor, Color? inverseDialogColor, Color? onInverseDialogColor, ThemeMode themeMode = ThemeMode.system, TextStyle displayLarge = const TextStyle(fontSize: 57, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.even), TextStyle displayMedium = const TextStyle(fontSize: 45, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.even), TextStyle displaySmall = const TextStyle(fontSize: 36, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.even), TextStyle headlineLarge = const TextStyle(fontSize: 32, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400, height: 1.25, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.proportional), TextStyle headlineMedium = const TextStyle(fontSize: 28, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400, height: 1.29, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.proportional), TextStyle headlineSmall = const TextStyle(fontSize: 24, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400, height: 1.33, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.proportional), TextStyle titleLarge = const TextStyle(fontSize: 22, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.even), TextStyle titleMedium = const TextStyle(fontSize: 16, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.even), TextStyle titleSmall = const TextStyle(fontSize: 14, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.even), TextStyle bodyLarge = const TextStyle(fontSize: 16, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.even), TextStyle bodyMedium = const TextStyle(fontSize: 14, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.even), TextStyle bodySmall = const TextStyle(fontSize: 12, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.even), TextStyle labelLarge = const TextStyle(fontSize: 14, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.even), TextStyle labelMedium = const TextStyle(fontSize: 12, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.even), TextStyle labelSmall = const TextStyle(fontSize: 11, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.even), double fontSizeFactor = 1.0, double fontSizeDelta = 0.0, String? defaultFontFamily, bool useMaterial3 = true, TargetPlatform platform = TargetPlatform.iOS, bool? centerTitleOnAppBar, Brightness? statusBarBrightnessOnIOS, Brightness? statusBarBrightnessOnAndroid, bool fixed = false})
The light theme defines the initial color.


asset AssetThemeData
Obtains a list of asset paths.
no setter
brightness Brightness
Get the Brightness currently used by the application.
no setter
centerTitleOnAppBar bool?
Specify whether to center the title of AppBar.
color ColorThemeData
Retrieve the color scheme.
no setter
fixed bool
Specifies whether to always use the same theme instead of switching between light and dark modes.
font FontThemeData
Retrieve font themes.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
platform TargetPlatform
Specify the target platform for the design.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
statusBarBrightnessOnAndroid Brightness?
Explicitly specifies the color of the status bar icon.
statusBarBrightnessOnIOS Brightness?
Explicitly specifies the color of the status bar icon.
text TextThemeData
Retrieve the text theme.
themeMode ThemeMode
Specifies the theme mode.
useMaterial3 bool
If this is set to true, the app will be designed with Material3 design.
widget WidgetThemeData
Get the theme of the widget.
no setter


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
toThemeData({Brightness? brightness, String? defaultFontFamily}) ThemeData
Convert to ThemeData in Flutter.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

of(BuildContext context) AppThemeData
Get AppThemeData placed on the widget tree.