None<t extends Object?> class

Available extensions




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
runtimeType SumRuntimeType
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


apply(Applicative<A> a) Applicative<B>

Available on Applicative<B Function(A)>, provided by the ApplicativeApply extension

Equivalent to f <*> a
apply(Maybe<T> arg) Maybe<U>

Available on Maybe<U Function(T)>, provided by the MaybeApply extension

Apply the arg arg to this Function only in case both the arg and Function are available.
bind<T1>(covariant Maybe<T1> f(t)) Maybe<T1>
Executes an mapping operation which is partial in case an value is present and flattens the result into a single Maybe.
cast<T1>() Maybe<T1>
Cast this Maybe<T> into an Maybe<T1>, throwing an TypeError if not possible.
fillWhenNone(t value) Maybe<t>
In case this is None, add the value, resulting in a Just, otherwise keep the current value.
filter(bool predicate(t)) Maybe<t>
In case theres a value, keep it in case the predicate is true, otherwise return None.
filterNonNullable() Maybe<T>

Available on Maybe<T>, provided by the MaybeNonNullableE extension

In case theres a value, keep it only if it is not null, otherwise return None.
filterNonNullable() Maybe<T>

Available on Maybe<T?>, provided by the MaybeNullableE extension

In case theres a value, keep it only if it is not null, otherwise return None.
fmap<B>(B fn(t p1)) Maybe<B>
Maps the value contained in this Monad from A to B with fn and wraps the result in Monad<B>.
lift<A, B>(covariant Maybe<B Function(A)> fn, covariant Maybe<A> a) Maybe<B>
Perform the operation fn with the value in a and wrap with Applicative<B> for pipelining.
map<T1>(T1 f(t)) Maybe<T1>
Executes an mapping operation in case an value is present and wraps it with Just, otherwise returns None.
maybeFill(Maybe<t> other) Maybe<t>
In case this is None, return other, otherwise keep the current value.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
pure<T1>(T1 value) Maybe<T1>
Wraps the value inside a Applicative<T>
toEither<L>({L? l, L get()?}) Either<L, T>

Available on Maybe<T>, provided by the MaybeToEither extension

toList() List<t>
Convert this Maybe to an List, with None being an empty list and Just being an list that contains just the value.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
unit<T1>(T1 value) Maybe<T1>
Wraps the value with this Monad type.
valueOr(t orElse) → t
In case there is a value, retrieve it, otherwise return the orElse value.
valueOrElse(t orElse) → t
In case there is a value, retrieve it, otherwise return the orElse value.
valueOrGet(t get()) → t
In case there is a value, retrieve it, otherwise return the result of the get callback.
visit<R extends Object?>({required R just(t _value), required R none()}) → R
where(bool predicate(t)) Maybe<t>
In case theres a value, keep it in case the predicate is true, otherwise return None.
whereNotNull() Maybe<T>

Available on Maybe<T>, provided by the MaybeNonNullableE extension

Transforms null into None In case theres a value, keep it only if it is not null, otherwise return None.
whereNotNull() Maybe<T>

Available on Maybe<T?>, provided by the MaybeNullableE extension

In case theres a value, keep it only if it is not null, otherwise return None.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.
operator >>(Applicative<A> a) Applicative<B>

Available on Applicative<B Function(A)>, provided by the ApplicativeApply extension

Equivalent to f <*> a
operator >>(Maybe<T> arg) Maybe<U>

Available on Maybe<U Function(T)>, provided by the MaybeApply extension

Apply the arg arg to this Function only in case both the arg and Function are available.