ChartColors class
Note: If you need to apply multi theme, you need to change at least the colors related to the text, border and background color Ex: Background: bgColor, selectFillColor Border Text
- ChartColors({Color bgColor = const Color(0xffffffff), Color kLineColor = const Color(0xff4C86CD), Color lineFillColor = const Color(0x554C86CD), Color lineFillInsideColor = const Color(0x00000000), Color ma5Color = const Color(0xffE5B767), Color ma10Color = const Color(0xff1FD1AC), Color ma30Color = const Color(0xffB48CE3), Color upColor = const Color(0xFF14AD8F), Color dnColor = const Color(0xFFD5405D), Color volColor = const Color(0xff2f8fd5), Color macdColor = const Color(0xff2f8fd5), Color difColor = const Color(0xffE5B767), Color deaColor = const Color(0xff1FD1AC), Color kColor = const Color(0xffE5B767), Color dColor = const Color(0xff1FD1AC), Color jColor = const Color(0xffB48CE3), Color rsiColor = const Color(0xffE5B767), Color defaultTextColor = const Color(0xFF909196), Color nowPriceUpColor = const Color(0xFF14AD8F), Color nowPriceDnColor = const Color(0xFFD5405D), Color nowPriceTextColor = const Color(0xffffffff), Color trendLineColor = const Color(0xFFF89215), Color depthBuyColor = const Color(0xFF14AD8F), Color depthBuyPathColor = const Color(0x3314AD8F), Color depthSellColor = const Color(0xFFD5405D), Color depthSellPathColor = const Color(0x33D5405D), Color selectBorderColor = const Color(0xFF222223), Color selectFillColor = const Color(0xffffffff), Color gridColor = const Color(0xFFD1D3DB), Color infoWindowNormalColor = const Color(0xFF222223), Color infoWindowTitleColor = const Color(0xFF4D4D4E), Color infoWindowUpColor = const Color(0xFF14AD8F), Color infoWindowDnColor = const Color(0xFFD5405D), Color hCrossColor = const Color(0xFF222223), Color vCrossColor = const Color(0x28424652), Color crossTextColor = const Color(0xFF222223), Color maxColor = const Color(0xFF222223), Color minColor = const Color(0xFF222223)})
- constructor chart color
- bgColor ↔ Color
the background color of base chart
getter/setter pair
- crossTextColor ↔ Color
text color
getter/setter pair
- dColor ↔ Color
getter/setter pair
- deaColor ↔ Color
getter/setter pair
- defaultTextColor ↔ Color
default text color: apply for text at grid
getter/setter pair
- depthBuyColor ↔ Color
depth color
getter/setter pair
- depthBuyPathColor ↔ Color
getter/setter pair
- depthSellColor ↔ Color
getter/setter pair
- depthSellPathColor ↔ Color
getter/setter pair
- difColor ↔ Color
getter/setter pair
- dnColor ↔ Color
getter/setter pair
- gridColor ↔ Color
color of grid
getter/setter pair
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- hCrossColor ↔ Color
color of the horizontal cross line
getter/setter pair
- infoWindowDnColor ↔ Color
getter/setter pair
- infoWindowNormalColor ↔ Color
color of annotation content
getter/setter pair
- infoWindowTitleColor ↔ Color
getter/setter pair
- infoWindowUpColor ↔ Color
getter/setter pair
- jColor ↔ Color
getter/setter pair
- kColor ↔ Color
getter/setter pair
- kLineColor ↔ Color
getter/setter pair
- lineFillColor ↔ Color
getter/setter pair
- lineFillInsideColor ↔ Color
getter/setter pair
- ma10Color ↔ Color
getter/setter pair
- ma30Color ↔ Color
getter/setter pair
- ma5Color ↔ Color
color: ma5, ma10, ma30, up, down, vol, macd, diff, dea, k, d, j, rsi
getter/setter pair
- macdColor ↔ Color
getter/setter pair
- maxColor ↔ Color
The color of the maximum and minimum values in the current display
getter/setter pair
- minColor ↔ Color
getter/setter pair
- nowPriceDnColor ↔ Color
getter/setter pair
- nowPriceTextColor ↔ Color
getter/setter pair
- nowPriceUpColor ↔ Color
color of the current price
getter/setter pair
- rsiColor ↔ Color
getter/setter pair
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
- selectBorderColor ↔ Color
value border color after selection
getter/setter pair
- selectFillColor ↔ Color
background color when value selected
getter/setter pair
- trendLineColor ↔ Color
trend color
getter/setter pair
- upColor ↔ Color
getter/setter pair
- vCrossColor ↔ Color
color of the vertical cross line
getter/setter pair
- volColor ↔ Color
getter/setter pair
int index) → Color - get MA color via index
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.