encodeScrollPhysics static method

Map<String, dynamic>? encodeScrollPhysics(
  1. ScrollPhysics? value

Encodes the given value to a JSON compatible Map.

This returns the JSON representation to follow the structure:

  "parent": "<ScrollPhysics>",
  "type": "<String>"

Where "type" will be one of:

  • always
  • bouncing
  • clamping
  • fixedExtent
  • never
  • page
  • rangeMaintaining


static Map<String, dynamic>? encodeScrollPhysics(ScrollPhysics? value) {
  assert(value == null ||
      value is AlwaysScrollableScrollPhysics ||
      value is BouncingScrollPhysics ||
      value is ClampingScrollPhysics ||
      value is FixedExtentScrollPhysics ||
      value is NeverScrollableScrollPhysics ||
      value is PageScrollPhysics ||
      value is RangeMaintainingScrollPhysics);
  Map<String, dynamic>? result;

  if (value != null) {
    String? type;

    if (value is AlwaysScrollableScrollPhysics) {
      type = 'always';
    } else if (value is BouncingScrollPhysics) {
      type = 'bouncing';
    } else if (value is ClampingScrollPhysics) {
      type = 'clamping';
    } else if (value is FixedExtentScrollPhysics) {
      type = 'fixedExtent';
    } else if (value is NeverScrollableScrollPhysics) {
      type = 'never';
    } else if (value is PageScrollPhysics) {
      type = 'page';
    } else if (value is RangeMaintainingScrollPhysics) {
      type = 'rangeMaintaining';

    if (type == null) {
      throw Exception(
          'Unknown ScrollPhysics class encounted: ${value.runtimeType}');
    result = {
      'parent': encodeScrollPhysics(value.parent),
      'type': type,

  return _stripDynamicNull(result);