encodeBoxConstraints static method

Map<String, dynamic>? encodeBoxConstraints(
  1. BoxConstraints? value

Encodes the given value into a JSON compatible map. This produces a Map in the following format:

  "maxHeight": "<double>",
  "maxWidth": "<double>",
  "minHeight": "<double>",
  "minWidth": "<double>"

A value of null will result in null being returned.


static Map<String, dynamic>? encodeBoxConstraints(BoxConstraints? value) {
  Map<String, dynamic>? result;

  if (value != null) {
    result = <String, dynamic>{
          value.maxHeight == double.infinity ? null : value.maxHeight,
      'maxWidth': value.maxWidth == double.infinity ? null : value.maxWidth,
      'minHeight': value.minHeight,
      'minWidth': value.minWidth,

  return _stripDynamicNull(result);