decodeTextSpan static method

TextSpan? decodeTextSpan(
  1. dynamic value, {
  2. bool validate = true,

Decodes a given Map-like value into a TextStyle. This expects the given value to have the following structure:

  "children": "<List<TextSpan>>",
  "locale": "<Locale>",
  "mouseCursor": "<MouseCursor>",
  "onEnter": "<PointerEnterEventListener>",
  "onExit": "<PointerExitEventListener>",
  "recognizer": "<GestureRecognizer>",
  "semanticsLabel": "<String>",
  "spellOut": "<bool>",
  "style": "<TextStyle>",
  "text": "<String>"

See Also:


static TextSpan? decodeTextSpan(
  dynamic value, {
  bool validate = true,
}) {
  TextSpan? result;

  if (value is TextSpan) {
    result = value;
  } else if (value is String) {
    result = TextSpan(text: value);
  } else if (value != null) {
      schemaId: '$_baseSchemaUrl/text_span',
      value: value,
      validate: validate,

    result = TextSpan(
      children: (value['children'] as List?)
          ?.map((e) => decodeTextSpan(e, validate: false)!)
      locale: decodeLocale(
        validate: false,
      mouseCursor: decodeMouseCursor(
        validate: false,
      onEnter: value['onEnter'],
      onExit: value['onExit'],
      recognizer: value['recognizer'],
      semanticsLabel: value['semanticsLabel']?.toString(),
      spellOut: JsonClass.maybeParseBool(value['spellOut']),
      style: decodeTextStyle(
        validate: false,
      text: value['text']?.toString(),

  return result;