strokeCap property

StrokeCap? strokeCap

The progress indicator's line ending.

This determines the shape of the stroke ends of the progress indicator. By default, strokeCap is null. When value is null (indeterminate), the stroke ends are set to StrokeCap.square. When value is not null, the stroke ends are set to StrokeCap.butt.

Setting strokeCap to StrokeCap.round will result in a rounded end. Setting strokeCap to StrokeCap.butt with value == null will result in a slightly different indeterminate animation; the indicator completely disappears and reappears on its minimum value. Setting strokeCap to StrokeCap.square with value != null will result in a different display of value. The indicator will start drawing from slightly less than the start, and end slightly after the end. This will produce an alternative result, as the default behavior, for example, that a value of 0.5 starts at 90 degrees and ends at 270 degrees. With StrokeCap.square, it could start 85 degrees and end at 275 degrees.


final StrokeCap? strokeCap;