MutableAffine class

An mutable version of an Affine matrix.



MutableAffine.cssTransform(List<double> css)
Create an affine matrix representing a transformation matrix as described in CSS's format, which consists of six float values. See the matrix transform in s. 7.6.1 of .
Create a matrix representing the identity transform.
MutableAffine.rotation(double a)
Create a matrix representing a rotation transform, for the angle a in radians.
MutableAffine.scale(double sx, double sy)
Create a matrix representing a scaling transform.
MutableAffine.skewX(double a)
Create a matrix representing x skew transformation.
MutableAffine.skewY(double a)
Create a matrix representing y skew transformation.
MutableAffine.translation(double tx, double ty)
Create a matrix representing a translation.


forCanvas Float64List
Give the 4x4 column-major matrix that Canvas wants
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
toKey Affine
Give an immutable key that can be used to find equivalent transformation matrices using ==.
no setteroverride
toMutable MutableAffine
Return this instance.
no setteroverride


copyIntoCompact(List<double> storage, [int offset = 0]) → void
Copy this affine into the compact format, as described in Affine.fromCompact.
determinant() double
Give the determinent of this matrix.
get(int row, int col) double
Get the element at row, col
invert() → void
Find the inverse of this matrix. Caller should ensure determinant isn't too close to zero.
isIdentity() bool
Return true if this is the identity matrix
multiplyBy(MutableAffine other) → void
Mutliply this matrix by other, storing the result in this matrix.
mutableCopy() MutableAffine
Make a copy of this affine matrix.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
set(int row, int col, double v) → void
Set the given matrix element
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
transformed(Point<double> p) Point<double>
Return a point transformed by this matrix.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.