JsonWebKey class

JSON Web Key (JWK) represents a cryptographic key


JsonWebKey.fromCryptoKeys({PublicKey? publicKey, PrivateKey? privateKey, String? keyId})
Creates a JsonWebKey from a PublicKey and/or PrivateKey
JsonWebKey.fromKeyPair({required KeyPair keyPair, required Map<String, dynamic> json})
JsonWebKey.fromPem(String pem, {String? keyId})
Parses a PEM encoded public or private key
JsonWebKey.generate(String? algorithm, {int? keyBitLength})
Generates a random key suitable for the specified algorithm


algorithm String?
The algorithm intended for use with the key.
no setter
cryptoKeyPair → KeyPair
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
keyId String?
Key ID used to match a specific key.
no setter
keyOperations Set<String>?
The operation(s) that the key is intended to be used for.
no setter
keyType String
The cryptographic algorithm family used with the key, such as RSA or EC.
no setter
publicKeyUse String?
The intended use of the public key.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
x509CertificateChain List<X509Certificate>?
A chain of one or more PKIX certificates.
no setter
x509CertificateSha256Thumbprint String?
A base64url encoded SHA-256 thumbprint (a.k.a. digest) of the DER encoding of an X.509 certificate.
no setter
x509CertificateThumbprint String?
A base64url encoded SHA-1 thumbprint (a.k.a. digest) of the DER encoding of an X.509 certificate.
no setter
x509Url Uri?
A resource for an X.509 public key certificate or certificate chain.
no setter


algorithmForOperation(String operation) String?
Returns a JSON Web Algorithm name that can be used with this key for operation
decrypt(List<int> data, {List<int>? initializationVector, List<int>? authenticationTag, List<int>? additionalAuthenticatedData, String? algorithm}) List<int>
Decrypt content and validate decryption, if applicable
encrypt(List<int> data, {List<int>? initializationVector, List<int>? additionalAuthenticatedData, String? algorithm}) → EncryptionResult
Encrypt content
getTyped<T>(String key, {T factory(dynamic v)?}) → T?
Returns the property key as a typed object
getTypedList<T>(String key, {T factory(dynamic v)?}) List<T>?
Returns the property key as a typed list
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
sign(List<int> data, {String? algorithm}) List<int>
Compute digital signature or MAC
toBase64EncodedString() String
Returns the base64 representation
toBytes() List<int>
Returns the bytes representing the encoded JSON
toJson() Map<String, dynamic>
Returns a JSON representation
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
unwrapKey(List<int> data, {String? algorithm}) JsonWebKey
Decrypt key and validate decryption, if applicable
usableForAlgorithm(String algorithm) bool
Returns true if this key can be used with the JSON Web Algorithm identified by algorithm
usableForOperation(String operation) bool
Returns true if this key can be used for the operation
verify(List<int> data, List<int> signature, {String? algorithm}) bool
Verify digital signature or MAC
wrapKey(JsonWebKey key, {String? algorithm}) List<int>
Encrypt key


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.
operator [](String key) → dynamic
Returns the property key as a core dart value

Static Methods

ec({required String curve, BigInt? xCoordinate, BigInt? yCoordinate, BigInt? privateKey, String? keyId, String? algorithm}) JsonWebKey
Creates a JsonWebKey of type EC
fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) JsonWebKey?
Constructs a JsonWebKey from its JSON representation
rsa({required BigInt modulus, BigInt? exponent, BigInt? privateExponent, BigInt? firstPrimeFactor, BigInt? secondPrimeFactor, String? keyId, String? algorithm}) JsonWebKey
Creates a JsonWebKey of type RSA
symmetric({required BigInt key, String? keyId}) JsonWebKey
Creates a JsonWebKey of type oct