getCustomWidgets function

List<BasicShowcaseWidget> getCustomWidgets(
  1. JocaaguraShowcase jocaaguraShowcase

Retrieves a list of BasicShowcaseWidget instances from the custom widgets defined in a JocaaguraShowcase.

The getCustomWidgets function takes a JocaaguraShowcase instance as input and extracts the custom widgets from its customWidgets property. It creates and returns a list of BasicShowcaseWidget instances using the keys and values from the customWidgets map.


JocaaguraShowcase showcase = JocaaguraShowcase(
  themeData: ThemeData.light(),
  customPages: {},
  customWidgets: {
    'customWidget1': Icon(Icons.favorite),
    'customWidget2': ElevatedButton(onPressed: () {}, child: Text('Press Me')),

List<BasicShowcaseWidget> widgets = getCustomWidgets(showcase);

The resulting list contains BasicShowcaseWidget instances, each representing a custom widget with a label (key from customWidgets) and a child (value from customWidgets).

See also:


List<BasicShowcaseWidget> getCustomWidgets(
  JocaaguraShowcase jocaaguraShowcase,
) {
  final List<BasicShowcaseWidget> tmp = <BasicShowcaseWidget>[];
  jocaaguraShowcase.customWidgets.forEach((String key, Widget value) {
      BasicShowcaseWidget(label: key, child: value),
  return tmp;