FeatureFlag enum
Enumeration of all available feature flags
Reflects the official list of Jitsi Meet SDK feature flags. https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet/blob/a618697e34d947f0cc0d9ee4a0fc79c76fbae5e6/react/features/base/flags/constants.js
- isAddPeopleEnabled → const FeatureFlag
Flag indicating if add-people functionality should be enabled. Default: enabled (true).
- isAudioFocusDisabled → const FeatureFlag
Flag indicating if the SDK should not require the audio focus. Used by apps that do not use Jitsi audio. Default: disabled (false).
- isAudioMuteButtonEnabled → const FeatureFlag
Flag indicating if the audio mute button should be displayed. Default: enabled (true).
- isAudioOnlyButtonEnabled → const FeatureFlag
Flag indicating that the Audio only button in the overflow menu is enabled. Default: enabled (true).
- isCalendarEnabled → const FeatureFlag
Flag indicating if calendar integration should be enabled. Default: enabled (true) on Android, auto-detected on iOS.
- isCallIntegrationEnabled → const FeatureFlag
Flag indicating if call integration (CallKit on iOS, ConnectionService on Android) should be enabled. Default: enabled (true).
- isCloseCaptionsEnabled → const FeatureFlag
Flag indicating if close captions should be enabled. Default: enabled (true).
- isConferenceTimerEnabled → const FeatureFlag
Flag indicating if conference timer should be enabled. Default: enabled (true).
- isChatEnabled → const FeatureFlag
Flag indicating if chat should be enabled. Default: enabled (true).
- isFilmstripEnabled → const FeatureFlag
Flag indicating if the filmstrip should be enabled. Default: enabled (true).
- isFullscreenEnabled → const FeatureFlag
Flag indicating if fullscreen (immersive) mode should be enabled. Default: enabled (true).
- isHelpButtonEnabled → const FeatureFlag
Flag indicating if the Help button should be enabled. Default: enabled (true).
- isInviteEnabled → const FeatureFlag
Flag indicating if invite functionality should be enabled. Default: enabled (true).
- isIosRecordingEnabled → const FeatureFlag
Flag indicating if recording should be enabled in iOS. Default: disabled (false).
- isIosScreensharingEnabled → const FeatureFlag
Flag indicating if screen sharing should be enabled in iOS. Default: disabled (false).
- isAndroidScreensharingEnabled → const FeatureFlag
Flag indicating if screen sharing should be enabled in android. Default: enabled (true).
- isKickoutEnabled → const FeatureFlag
Flag indicating if kickout is enabled. Default: enabled (true).
- isLiveStreamingEnabled → const FeatureFlag
Flag indicating if live-streaming should be enabled. Default: auto-detected.
- isLobbyModeEnabled → const FeatureFlag
Flag indicating if lobby mode button should be enabled. Default: enabled.
- isMeetingNameEnabled → const FeatureFlag
Flag indicating if displaying the meeting name should be enabled. Default: enabled (true).
- isMeetingPasswordEnabled → const FeatureFlag
Flag indicating if the meeting password button should be enabled. Note that this flag just decides on the button, if a meeting has a password set, the password dialog will still show up. Default: enabled (true).
- isNotificationsEnabled → const FeatureFlag
Flag indicating if the notifications should be enabled. Default: enabled (true).
- isOverflowMenuEnabled → const FeatureFlag
Flag indicating if the audio overflow menu button should be displayed. Default: enabled (true).
- isPipEnabled → const FeatureFlag
Flag indicating if Picture-in-Picture should be enabled. Default: auto-detected.
- isPrejoinPageEnabled → const FeatureFlag
Flag indicating if the prejoin page should be enabled. Default: enabled (true).
- isRaiseHandEnabled → const FeatureFlag
Flag indicating if raise hand feature should be enabled. Default: enabled.
- isReactionsEnabled → const FeatureFlag
Flag indicating if the reactions feature should be enabled. Default: enabled (true).
- isRecordingEnabled → const FeatureFlag
Flag indicating if recording should be enabled. Default: auto-detected.
- isReplaceParticipantEnabled → const FeatureFlag
Flag indicating if the user should join the conference with the replaceParticipant functionality. Default: (false).
- resolution → const FeatureFlag
Flag indicating the local and (maximum) remote video resolution. Overrides the server configuration. Default: (unset).
- areSecurityOptionsEnabled → const FeatureFlag
Flag indicating if the security options button should be enabled. Default: enabled (true).
- isServerUrlChangeEnabled → const FeatureFlag
Flag indicating if server URL change is enabled. Default: enabled (true).
- isTileViewEnabled → const FeatureFlag
Flag indicating if tile view feature should be enabled. Default: enabled.
- isToolboxAlwaysVisible → const FeatureFlag
Flag indicating if the toolbox should be always be visible Default: disabled (false).
- isToolboxEnabled → const FeatureFlag
Flag indicating if the toolbox should be enabled Default: enabled.
- isVideoMuteButtonEnabled → const FeatureFlag
Flag indicating if the video mute button should be displayed. Default: enabled (true).
Flag indicating if the video share button should be enabled Default: enabled (true).
- isWelcomePageEnabled → const FeatureFlag
Flag indicating if the welcome page should be enabled. Default: disabled (false).
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.
→ const List<
FeatureFlag> - A constant List of the values in this enum, in order of their declaration.