englishHMonth function
String method englishHMonth takes the variable month and return String value MonthName
String englishHMonth(var month) {
switch (month) {
case 1:
case "محرم":
return "Muharram";
case 2:
case "صفر":
return "Safar";
case 3:
case "ربيع الأول":
return "Rabi' Al-Awwal";
case 4:
case "ربيع الثاني":
return "Rabi' Al-Thani";
case 5:
case "جمادى الأول":
return "Jumada Al-Awwal";
case 6:
case "جمادى الثاني":
return "Jumada Al-Thani";
case 7:
case "رجب":
return "Rajab";
case 8:
case "شعبان":
return "Sha'aban";
case 9:
case "رمضان":
return "Ramadan";
case 10:
case "شوال":
return "Shawwal";
case 11:
case "ذو القعدة":
return "Dhu Al-Qi'dah";
case 12:
case "ذو الحجة":
return "Dhu Al-Hijjah";
return "";