ExtensionString extension



isAlphabetOnly(String s) bool
Checks if string consist only Alphabet. (No Whitespace)
isApk() bool
Checks if string is APK file path.
isAudio() bool
Checks if string is audio file path.
isBool() bool
Checks if string is boolean.
isCamelCase() bool
Checks if string value is camelcase.
isCapitalize({bool firstOnly = false}) bool
Checks if string value is capitalize.
isCaseInsensitiveContains(String compareTo) bool
Checks if a contains b (Treating or interpreting upper- and lowercase letters as being the same).
isCaseInsensitiveContainsAny(String compareTo) bool
Checks if a contains b or b contains a (Treating or interpreting upper- and lowercase letters as being the same).
isDateTime() bool
Checks if string is DateTime (UTC or Iso8601).
isDocument() bool
Checks if string is Doc file path.
isEmail({int? minLength, int? maxLength}) bool
Checks if string is email.
isExcel() bool
Checks if string is Excel file path.
isHTML() bool
Checks if string is html file path.
isImage() bool
Checks if string is image file path.
isIPv4() bool
Checks if string is IPv4.
isIPv6() bool
Checks if string is IPv6.
isLengthBetween(int minLength, int maxLength) bool
Checks if length of string is BETWEEN minLength to maxLength.
isLengthEqualTo(int maxLength) bool
Checks if length of string is EQUAL than maxLength.
isLengthGreaterOrEqual(int maxLength) bool
Checks if length of string is GREATER OR EQUAL to maxLength.
isLengthGreaterThan(int maxLength) bool
Checks if length of string is GREATER than maxLength.
isLengthLowerOrEqual(int maxLength) bool
Checks if length of string is LOWER OR EQUAL to maxLength.
isLengthLowerThan(int maxLength) bool
Checks if length of string is LOWER than maxLength.
isMD5() bool
Checks if string is MD5
isNull() bool
Checks if data is null.
isNullOrBlank() bool
Checks if data is null or Blank (empty or only contains whitespace).
isNum() bool
Checks if string is num (int or double).
isNumericOnly() bool
Checks if string is numeric only. Numeric only doesnt accepting "." which double data type have
isOneAKind() bool
Checks if all character inside string are same. Example: 111111 -> true, wwwww -> true
isPalindrom() bool
Checks if string is Palindrom.
isPDF() bool
Checks if string is PDF file path.
isPPT() bool
Checks if string is powerpoint file path.
isSHA1() bool
Checks if string is SHA251.
isSHA256() bool
Checks if string is SHA256.
isTxt() bool
Checks if string is txt file path.
isURL() bool
Checks if string is URL.
isVector() bool
Checks if string is vector image file path.
isVideo() bool
Checks if string is video file path.
toBinary({bool nullOnError = false}) String?
Transform string value to binary Example: 15 => 1111
toBool({bool falseOnError = false}) bool
Transform string to boolean type
toCamelCase() String?
Capitalize each word inside string Example: your name => yourName
toCapitalize({bool firstOnly = false}) String?
Capitalize each word inside string Example: your name => Your Name, your name => Your name
toDateTime() DateTime?
Transform String millisecondsSinceEpoch (DateTime) to DateTime
toDouble({bool nullOnError = false}) double?
Transform string to double type
toInt({bool nullOnError = false}) int?
Transform string to int type
toNum({bool nullOnError = false}) num?
Transform string to num type
toNumericOnly() String
Extract numeric value of string Example: OTP 12312 27/04/2020 => 1231227042020ß If firstword only is true, then the example return is "12312" (first found numeric word)