Setup topic


This setup guide assumes you have an existing Serverpod project. It will integrate Jaspr in this project for rendering your website.


Inside your Serverpod ..._server package perform the following setup steps:

Add all the necessary dependencies to Jaspr and related packages:

  • dart pub add jaspr jaspr_serverpod
  • dart pub add --dev build_runner jaspr_web_compilers jaspr_builder

Project Setup

Add the following to the bottom of pubspec.yaml:

  mode: server
  dev-command: dart bin/main.dart --apply-migrations

Move everything from web/static/ up to web/:

mv web/static/* web/
rm -d web/static/

You can also delete the web/templates/ directory if you don't need it.

Route Setup

Now edit your lib/server.dart to initialize Jaspr and use RootRoute() for all paths:

import 'package:jaspr/jaspr.dart';

// This file will be generated when running `jaspr serve` later.
import 'jaspr_options.dart';

// ... Other imports

void run(List<String> args) async {
  // ... Other serverpod code

  Jaspr.initializeApp(options: defaultJasprOptions, useIsolates: false);
  // If you need other special routes, like authentication redirects, 
  // add them here.
  // Point all paths to the root route.
  pod.webServer.addRoute(RootRoute(), '/*');
  // Remove all other routes like 
  // - `pod.webServer.addRoute(RootRoute(), '...')` 
  // - `pod.webServer.addRoute(RouteStaticDirectory(...), '/*')`

  // ... Other serverpod code

The 'lib/jaspr_options.dart' file will be generated when you first run jaspr serve.

Then change your root route inside lib/src/web/routes/root.dart to this:

import 'dart:io';

import 'package:jaspr/server.dart';
import 'package:jaspr_serverpod/jaspr_serverpod.dart';
import 'package:serverpod/serverpod.dart';

import '/components/home.dart';

class RootRoute extends JasprRoute {
  Future<Component> build(Session session, HttpRequest request) async {
    return Document(
      title: "Built with Serverpod & Jaspr",
      head: [
        link(rel: "stylesheet", href: "/css/style.css"),
      body: Home(),

Component Setup

Next create the Home component inside lib/components/home.dart:

import 'package:jaspr/server.dart';

import 'counter.dart';

class Home extends StatelessComponent {
  const Home({super.key});

  Iterable<Component> build(BuildContext context) sync* {
    yield div(classes: "content", [
      div(classes: "logo-box", [
          src: "/images/serverpod-logo.svg",
          width: 160,
          styles: EdgeInsets.only(top: 8.px, bottom: 12.px)),
          a(href: "", [text("Serverpod + Jaspr")])
      div(classes: "info-box", [
        p([text("Served at ${}")]),
        div(id: "counter", [Counter()]),
      div(classes: "link-box", [
        a(href: "", [text("Serverpod")]),
        a(href: "", [text("Get Started")]),
        a(href: "", [text("Github")]),
      div(classes: "link-box", [
        a(href: "", [text("Jaspr")]),
        a(href: "", [text("Get Started")]),
        a(href: "", [text("Github")]),

As well as the Counter component in lib/components/counter.dart:

import 'package:jaspr/jaspr.dart';

class Counter extends StatefulComponent {
  const Counter({super.key});

  State<Counter> createState() => _CounterState();

class _CounterState extends State<Counter> {
  int counter = 0;

  Iterable<Component> build(BuildContext context) sync* {
    yield span([text("Count: $counter ")]);
    yield button(onClick: () {
      setState(() {
    }, [

All Jaspr components must be kept outside the src/ directory to function properly!

You are now set to run your server and render your website using Serverpod and Jaspr.

Check the Jaspr Docs and Serverpod Docs for more information.


JasprConnectivityMonitor Setup
Monitors the browsers connectivity. Should be attached to the generated Serverpod client.
JasprConnectivityMonitor Setup
Monitors the browsers connectivity. Should be attached to the generated Serverpod client.
JasprRoute Setup
A JasprRoute is the most convenient way to render Jaspr components in your server. Override the build method and return a root Component.
JasprRoute Setup
A JasprRoute is the most convenient way to render Jaspr components in your server. Override the build method and return a root Component.


ContextSession on BuildContext Setup
Context extension to get the Serverpod session from inside a components build method.
ContextSession on BuildContext Setup
Context extension to get the Serverpod session from inside a components build method.