Jaspr Clean Syntax
Simplified Jasper Syntax
Installation ๐ป
โ In order to start using Jaspr Clean Syntax you must have the Dart SDK installed on your machine.
Install via dart pub add
dart pub add jaspr_clean_syntax
import 'package:jaspr/jaspr.dart';
import '../constants/theme.dart';
class MyHeader extends StatelessComponent {
const MyHeader({super.key});
Iterable<Component> build(BuildContext context) sync* {
var activePath = context.binding.currentUri.path;
yield Div([
).props(styles: style),
]).props(styles: headerStyles),
position: Position.sticky(top: 0.px),
bgColor: sectionColor,
final style = Styles.flexbox(
justifyContent: JustifyContent.spaceBetween,
alignItems: AlignItems.center,
final headerStyles = Styles.box(
maxWidth: 1024.px,
width: 100.percent,
padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 1.em),
'margin': '0 auto',
Continuous Integration ๐ค
Jaspr Clean Syntax comes with a built-in GitHub Actions workflow powered by Very Good Workflows but you can also add your preferred CI/CD solution.
Out of the box, on each pull request and push, the CI formats
, lints
, and tests
the code. This ensures the code remains consistent and behaves correctly as you add functionality or make changes. The project uses Very Good Analysis for a strict set of analysis options used by our team. Code coverage is enforced using the Very Good Workflows.
Running Tests ๐งช
To run all unit tests:
dart pub global activate coverage 1.2.0
dart test --coverage=coverage
dart pub global run coverage:format_coverage --lcov --in=coverage --out=coverage/lcov.info
To view the generated coverage report you can use lcov.
# Generate Coverage Report
genhtml coverage/lcov.info -o coverage/
# Open Coverage Report
open coverage/index.html
- jaspr_clean_syntax
- Simplified Jasper Syntax