constants/colors library


THe class for dynamicly changable colors. Like in case you switching modes.


accentColor → const Color
The accent color used to highlight or mark
altAccentColor → const Color
The accent color used to highlight or mark non primary controls
altTextColor → const Color
The alternative text color for non primary controls
darkColorDarkMode → const Color
The dark color in Dark mode
darkColorLightMode → const Color
The dark color in Light mode
lightColorDarkMode → const Color
The light color in Dark mode
lightColorLightMode → const Color
The light color in Light mode
mainColorDarkMode → const Color
The main color in Dark mode
mainColorLightMode → const Color
The main color in Light mode
textColorDarkMode → const Color
The text color in Dark mode
textColorLightMode → const Color
The text color in Light mode
transparentColor → const Color
Simple transperent color defentition, Yes we assume that sometimes transperent isn't fully transperent.