add method
Adds element
to the registry with the provided tags.
Fails if element
is already in this registry.
An object is already in the registry if it has been added using add,
or if it was returned by a lookup call on this registry object.
Returns a capability that can be used with remove to remove the element from the registry again.
The tags
can be used to distinguish some of the elements
from other elements. Any object can be used as a tag, as long as
it preserves equality when sent through a SendPort.
This makes Capability objects a good choice for tags.
Future<Capability> add(T element, {Iterable? tags}) {
var cache = _cache;
if (cache.contains(element)) {
return Future<Capability>.sync(() {
throw StateError(
'Object already in registry: ${Error.safeToString(element)}');
var completer = Completer<Capability>();
var port = singleCompletePort(completer,
callback: (List response) {
final id = response[0] as int;
final removeCapability = response[1] as Capability;
cache.register(id, element);
return removeCapability;
timeout: _timeout,
onTimeout: () {
throw TimeoutException('Future not completed', _timeout);
if (tags != null) tags = tags.toList(growable: false);
_commandPort.send(list4(_addValue, element, tags, port));
return completer.future;