spawn static method
Create a new Isolate, as by Isolate.spawn and wrap that.
The returned IsolateRunner forwards operations to the new isolate,
and keeps a port open in the new isolate that receives commands
from the IsolateRunner
. Remember to close the IsolateRunner
it's no longer needed.
The created isolate is set to have errors not be fatal.
static Future<IsolateRunner> spawn() async {
var channel = SingleResponseChannel();
var isolate =
await Isolate.spawn(IsolateRunnerRemote._create, channel.port);
// The runner can be used to run multiple independent functions.
// An accidentally uncaught error shouldn't ruin it for everybody else.
var pingChannel = SingleResponseChannel();;
var commandPort = await channel.result as SendPort;
var result = IsolateRunner(isolate, commandPort);
// Guarantees that setErrorsFatal has completed.
await pingChannel.result;
return result;