format method

String format(
  1. String format

Returns formatted String with a specified format.

Currently allowed format types:

  • Y, YY (years)
  • M, MM (months)
  • W, WW (weeks)
  • D, DD (days)
  • h, hh (hours)
  • m, mm (months)
  • s, ss (seconds)

To use it as a format type wrap it with curly braces.

Two character length format type, e.g. 'ss', adds a trailing zero at the beginning if it is lesser than 10.

If the IsoDuration is negative then a minus is present in the format as well. To inverse (negative becomes positive and vice versa) the IsoDuration use inverse.


final dur = IsoDuration(hours: 2, minutes: 30);
dur.format('See you in {h} hours and {mm} minutes'); // 'See you in 2 hours and 30 minutes'


String format(String format) {
  final strBuffer = StringBuffer('');

  final list = format.split(RegExp('(?={)|(?<=})'));
  for (final item in list) {
    if (!RegExp('({)[A-Za-z]{1,2}(})').hasMatch(item)) {

    var tempItem = item.replaceAll(RegExp('[{}]'), '');
    if (_TimeFormat.values.any((e) => e.describe() == tempItem)) {
    } else {
  return strBuffer.toString();