InteractionManager class abstract

The InteractionManager allows you to display dialogs and push Routes from anywhere in your code even from places where this is normally not possible because you might not have a BuildContext available like from your business logic. To make this possible you have to register builder functions for your dialogs and add an InteractionConnector widget directly above your Material/CupertinoApp like

return MaterialApp(
   theme: ThemeData(
       brightness: Brightness.dark,
       accentColor: Colors.white,
   home: InteractionConnector(
      dialogsInitFunction: registerDialogs,
      appInitFunction: () async => registerBackend(),
      child: StartUpPage()),

Use dialogsInitFunction to register your own dialogs The function that you pass to appInitFunction will be called after the InteractionManager is initialized so it can be used inside of appInitFunction

InteractionManager registers itself inside GetIt ( so you can access it from anywhere in your app when you add GetIt to your project like it this example that displays a QueryDialog

 MessageDialogResults result =
     await GetIt.I<InteractionManager>().showQueryDialog(
   'This is a query dialog!',
   title: 'Query Dialog',

This was also an example for the available standard dialogs that you can directly use:

  • MessageDialog
  • QueryDialog
  • LoginDialog
  • NetworkConfigurationDialog
  • FormDialog

More details in the documentation of the methods and classes below.




allowReassigningDialogs bool
Dialogs are registered with a name. In most cases registering more than one dialog with the same name is probably a bug. Therefore an assertion will be thrown if you try. If you really need to replace a registered dialog set allowReassigningDialogs to true.
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


closeDialog<TResult>([TResult? result]) → void
If the InteractionManager has open dialog(s) this will close the top one. You can pass an optional argument result that will be received at the place where the dialog was opened as if the dialog popped itself with it
navigateTo allows you to push a named Route from anywhere in your app. The route name will be passed to the root navigator's onGenerateRoute callback . The returned route will be pushed into the navigator. The new route and the previous route (if any) are notified (see Route.didPush and Route.didChangeNext). If the Navigator has any Navigator.observers, they will be notified as well (see NavigatorObserver.didPush). Ongoing gestures within the current route are canceled when a new route is pushed.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
registerCustomDialog<DialogDataType>(DialogBuilderFunc<DialogDataType> builder, String dialogName) → void
If you want to display your own dialog you have to register them first in the InteractionManager you do this by passing a builder function to registerCustomDialog that returns the content of the dialog. It will be displayed internally with showDialog. DialogDataType is the type of data that you can pass to your dialog when calling Yout dialog can return data by passing it to the Navigator.pop method. showRegisteredDialog to show the dialog. dialogName is the id with that the dialog can be referenced when showing it. Best place to register dialogs is in a function passed as dialogsInitFunction to the constructor of the InteractionConnector
setRootNavigator(NavigatorState navigatorState) → void
If you don't want to use the InteractionConnector you have to set the NavigatorState of your root navigator with this method.
showLoginDialog({String title = 'Login', String okButtonText = 'OK', String? cancelButtonText, String usernameLabel = 'User name', String passwordLabel = 'Password', String? header, String? usernameValidator(String)?, String? passwordValidator(String)?, bool barrierDismissible = false}) Future<UserCredentials?>
displays a configurable login dialog with an Ok and an optional Cancel button. header optional texts before/after the input fields loginValidator/passwordValidator optional field validators that get called with the field values when the user presses the Ok button. If the function returns a non null String it gets displayed as warning below the fields and the dialog isn't closed. onValidationError optional callback that is called when one of the validators returns an error message. If barrierDismissible is set to true a tap outside the dialog will pop it. Returned is a UserCredential object with the name and the password if the user has pressed the "Ok" button otherwise it returns null
showMessageDialog(String message, {String? title, String closeButtonText = 'OK', bool barrierDismissible = false}) Future
--------- Convenience predefined Dialogs ---------------- displays a simple message dialog with one close button If barrierDismissible is set to true a tap outside the dialog will pop it.
showNetworkConfigurationDialog({String title = 'Connection Settings', String? message, String serverAdressLabel = 'Server Address', String portLabel = 'Server Port', String sslLabel = 'Use SSL', bool showProtocolSelection = true, String portFormatErrorMessage = 'Only Numbers', String okButtonText = 'Ok', String? cancelButtonText, NetworkConfiguration networkConfiguration, bool barrierDismissible = false}) Future<NetworkConfiguration?>
showQueryDialog(String message, {String? title, Map<MessageDialogResults, String> buttonDefinitions = const {MessageDialogResults.yes : 'Yes', : 'No'}, bool barrierDismissible = false}) Future<MessageDialogResults>
displays a message dialog with a row of configurable buttons You define the buttons by passing a Map<MessageDialogResults,String> as buttonDefinitions where the key of a map entry defines the the value that is returned when the button is pressed, the String value is the label of the button. If barrierDismissible is set to true a tap outside the dialog will pop it.
showRegisteredDialog<DialogDataType, ResultType>({required String dialogName, required DialogDataType data, bool barrierDismissible = false}) Future<ResultType?>
showRegisteredDialog displays a registered dialog. The dialog is platform aware so that on Android a Material- and on iOS a Cupertino dialog is displayed. dialogName the name the dialog was registered with data that gets passed to the dialogs builder function If barrierDismissible is set to true a tap outside the dialog will pop it. ResultType defines which type the data has that the dialog returns when it gets popped
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.