instant library

A library devoted to the conversion and simplification of dates and times in Dart.


An alternative to the built in Stopwatch class.


curDateInWords String
Returns the local current date in words (ex. 'January 19, 2019').
no setter
curDayAsInt int
Returns current day as an int (1 ... 31).
no setter
curDayAsString String
Returns local current day as a # String formatted DD (ex. '04').
no setter
curHrAsInt int
Returns local current hour as an int (1...24).
no setter
curHrAsString String
Returns local current DateTime's hour as a # String formatted HH (ex. '14').
no setter
curMillisecAsInt int
Returns current millisecond as an int (0...999).
no setter
curMillisecAsString String
Returns local current DateTime's millisecond as a # String formatted III (ex. '004').
no setter
curMinAsInt int
Returns local current minute as an int (0...59).
no setter
curMinAsString String
Returns local current DateTime's minute as a # String formatted MM (ex. '04').
no setter
curMonthAsInt int
Returns current month as an int (January == 1 ... December == 12).
no setter
curMonthAsString String
Returns local current month as a # String formatted MM (ex. '04').
no setter
curSecAsInt int
Returns current second as an int (0...59).
no setter
curSecAsString String
Returns local current DateTime's second as a # String formatted SS (ex. '04').
no setter
curWeekdayAsString String
Returns current day of the week as a text String.
no setter
curYearAsInt int
Returns current year as an int (ex. 2019).
no setter
curYearAsString String
Returns local current year as a # String formatted YYYY (ex. '2019').
no setter
timeZoneOffsets Map<String, double>
All avaible timezones for dateTimeInZone.
getter/setter pair


add({required DateTime orig, required int amount, required String units}) DateTime
Adds given amount (amount) of given units (units) to given DateTime (orig).
curDateTimeByUtcOffset({required double offset}) DateTime
Takes a UTC offset, and returns the current DateTime with that offset.
curDateTimeByZone({required String zone}) DateTime
Takes a timezone, and returns the current DateTime in that timezone.
dateInWords(DateTime date) String
Returns the given DateTime's date in words (ex. 'January 19, 2019').
dateTimeToOffset({required double offset, required DateTime datetime}) DateTime
Takes a UTC offset and DateTime.
dateTimeToZone({required String zone, required DateTime datetime}) DateTime
Takes a timezone and Datetime.
dayAsString(DateTime date) String
Returns given DateTime's day as a # String formatted DD (ex. '04').
exactDiff({required DateTime x, required DateTime y, String units = 'ms', bool asFloat = false}) num
Returns exact amount of given unit (units) between the two DateTimes. This accounts for leapyears and other time-based anomalies.
formatCurDate({String format = 'MMDDYYYY', String divider = '/'}) String
Formats the local current date into a string.
formatCurTime({String format = 'HHMMSS', String divider = ':', bool is24hr = false}) String
Formats DateTime into a # string with the time.
formatDate({required DateTime date, String format = 'MMDDYYYY', String divider = '/'}) String
Formats DateTime into a # string with the date.
formatTime({required DateTime time, String format = 'HHMMSS', String divider = ':', bool is24hr = true}) String
Formats DateTime into a # string with the time.
hrAsString(DateTime time) String
Returns given DateTime's hour as a # String formatted HH (ex. '14').
microsecAsString(DateTime time) String
Returns given DateTime's microsecond as a # String formatted III (ex. '004').
millisecAsString(DateTime time) String
Returns given DateTime's millisecond as a # String formatted III (ex. '004').
minAsString(DateTime time) String
Returns given DateTime's minute as a # String formatted MM (ex. '04').
monthAsString(DateTime date) String
Returns given DateTime's month as a # String formatted MM (ex. '04').
secAsString(DateTime time) String
Returns given DateTime's second as a # String formatted SS (ex. '04').
subtract({required DateTime orig, required int amount, required String units}) DateTime
Subtracts given amount (amount) of given units (units) from given DateTime (orig).
weekdayAsString({required DateTime date}) String
Returns day of the week of given DateTime as a text String.
yearAsString(DateTime date) String
Returns given DateTime's year as a # String formatted YYYY (ex. '2019').