StringExtensions extension



getRoutingData RoutingData

Available on String, provided by the StringExtensions extension

no setter
hasOnlyWhitespaces bool

Available on String, provided by the StringExtensions extension

no setter
isEmail bool

Available on String, provided by the StringExtensions extension

no setter
isListView bool

Available on String, provided by the StringExtensions extension

no setter
isNoInternetError bool

Available on String, provided by the StringExtensions extension

no setter
isURLImage bool

Available on String, provided by the StringExtensions extension

no setter


capitalize() String

Available on String, provided by the StringExtensions extension

formatCopy() String

Available on String, provided by the StringExtensions extension

removeLeadingZeros() String

Available on String, provided by the StringExtensions extension

toSpaceSeparated() String

Available on String, provided by the StringExtensions extension

toTitleCase() String

Available on String, provided by the StringExtensions extension

toUri() Uri?

Available on String, provided by the StringExtensions extension

upperCaseFirstChar() String

Available on String, provided by the StringExtensions extension