cURL property

String get cURL

Generates a cURL command string based on the Network request data associated with the call.

The generated cURL command includes the Network method, headers, request body (if applicable), query parameters, and server URL. It also handles cases with or without NetworkS and compression.


  • A cURL command string representing the Network request of the call.


String get cURL {
  bool compressed =
      false; // A flag indicating if the request is compressed using gzip.
  String curlCmd = "curl"; // The base cURL command string.
  curlCmd += " -X $method"; // Add the Network method to the cURL command.

  if (request != null) {
    // Get the headers from the Network request.
    final Map<String, dynamic> headers = request!.headers;
    // Check if the request is compressed with gzip.
    compressed = headers['Accept-Encoding'] == 'gzip';
    // Add each header to the cURL command.
    headers.forEach((key, dynamic value) {
      curlCmd += " -H '$key: $value'";

    // Get the request body as a string.
    final String requestBody = request!.body.toString();
    // If the request body is not empty, add it to the cURL command.
    if (requestBody != '') {
      curlCmd += " --data \$'${requestBody.replaceAll("\n", "\\n")}'";

    // Get the query parameters from the Net request.
    final Map<String, dynamic> queryParamMap = request!.queryParameters;
    int paramCount = queryParamMap.keys.length;
    String queryParams = "";
    // If there are query parameters, add them to the cURL command.
    if (paramCount > 0) {
      queryParams += "?";
      queryParamMap.forEach((key, dynamic value) {
        queryParams += '$key=$value';
        paramCount -= 1;
        if (paramCount > 0) {
          queryParams += "&";

    // If the server URL already has http(s), don't add it again.
    if (server.contains("http://") || server.contains("https://")) {
      curlCmd +=
          "${compressed ? " --compressed " : " "}${"'$server$endpoint$queryParams'"}";
    } else {
      curlCmd +=
          "${compressed ? " --compressed " : " "}${"'${secure ? 'https://' : 'http://'}$server$endpoint$queryParams'"}";

  return curlCmd;